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An Important Message for My Fellow Midlifers

Reading Time: 2 minutes Personally, I’m not interested in anti-aging any parts of me, I just want to do what I can to keep my body and mind healthy and that requires regular exercise and paying attention to what I eat. Midlifer it’s important to keep your mind and body healthy and alert, that’s something we shouldn’t ignore

Midlifer please don’t let anyone tell you, you’re too old to do this or that. You have the power to achieve that deep desire burning on the inside despite your age. Your experience is valuable. You have so much to offer. More than you realize.

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Podcast: CBC – What should Canada do if there’s a civil war in the U.S.?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Novelist and columnist Stephen Marche, author of a provocative essay in The Walrus magazine, called America’s Next Civil War. (Stephen Marche) According to writer Stephen Marche, all signs point to a burgeoning civil war in America.

Between a series of social and political upheavals, a stream of natural disasters, and Donald Trump’s presidential policy of breaking norms, Marche says it’s only a matter of time.

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Meet The Native American Fashion Designer Giving Vans A New Look | TODAY

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Native American artist Charlene Holy Bear’s first foray into fashion came four years ago, when she made a last-minute decision to attend the annual Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque, a pan-tribal festival also known as “North America’s largest powwow.”

“Everyone gets all dressed up in their traditional regalia,” says Holy Bear, a member of the Standing Rock Lakota Sioux Tribe who is known for her intricate beadwork. “I hadn’t had any time to prepare outfits for us but I wanted my 4-year-old son Justus to look really cool. He had a new pair of slip-on Vans and I suddenly had an idea, looking at the checkerboard design.” Over the course of the three-day road trip to the festival, Holy Bear started hand-beading the kicks and the finished product—a classic skate shoe tricked out with vibrantly intricate traditional Lakota beadwork—now has a waiting list full of street style–obsessed collectors clamoring for a customized pair.

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Podcast: Trying to Fix the Bully Is Not the Way to Help Our Children Being Bullied

Reading Time: 2 minutes Often the approach to dealing with bullying is to try to stop the bully. However, that approach often leaves children less empowered and still at risk of being bullied again and again. 

What if we took our focus off the bully and instead taught our children to be bully-proof? By empowering our children to be confident we can teach them skills that last a lifetime. Bully-proofing our children can be done. The skills are teachable. 

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Caitlyn Jenner Just Proved She’s Exactly Like Other Republican-Voting Privileged White Women

Reading Time: 3 minutes “I do not support Trump,” she wrote. “I must learn from my mistakes and move forward.”


And here’s the thing. At that moment, Caitlyn Jenner joined the ranks of privileged white women who are perfectly willing to follow along until Trump’s tyranny affects them. It’s ok until it comes home and for Caitlyn obviously trampling the rights of trans people was her come to Jesus moment.

She was fine with kids in cages.
She was fine with angry hostile racist rhetoric.
She was fine with sabor rattling with other foreign powers and ditching our long-standing foreign allies while palling up to the world’s most dangerous dictators.
She was fine with an alleged rapist supreme court nominee and mocking a sexual assault victim who came forward.

Hell, she was fine with “grab ’em by the pussy”. Maybe that’s because she didn’t have one when he was bragging about grabbing them.

But Transgender rights – she had to finally draw a line.

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The Week: America has a right-wing terrorism problem

Reading Time: 3 minutes Obviously body-slamming a reporter (who was trying to ask a question about the ObamaCare repeal vote, by the way) is not the same as blowing them up with a pipe bomb. But it is absolutely beyond the pale of constitutional democracy. Celebrating such acts by the very top of the party elite does not bode well for the future of the GOP and American politics writ large.

Political violence is a thorny enough problem when it’s carried out by underground extremists. But it is a lot more dangerous when it becomes a tactic for a ruling party. If one cannot win free and fair elections, well then violence might serve just as well — and if it works, then there is no way to stop it.

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