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Choose Your Own Thoughts

Reading Time: 5 minutes It really comes down to being willing to take on the responsibility of advertising to yourself.

You are far too powerful to be anything less than radiant in the world. Your power is your thoughts and your focus and you’re in charge of that. A lot of other people will knock on your door, to get inside your head, but you get to decide who you let in, and the way you do that is by thinking your own thoughts. YOU HAVE TO THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. If you don’t it’ll get done for you.

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Brexit Yoga

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ok… yesterday was a particularly frustrating day and we know many of you are waking up feeling tense, nervous, a little stressed. So we’ve borrowed a clip fom Australia’s ABC TV to help you unwind and find your inner peace. Join in, enjoy, chillax…

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“I just want to feel safe.”

Reading Time: 3 minutes How can I expect to feel safe (in relationship or otherwise) if I am consistently putting out a message to the Universe that safety isn’t really one of my primary concerns?

What is it you want? And how can you begin giving it to yourself?

If your desire is not showing up, these are the questions to ask yourself, because your experience is always going to match your vibration.

When what we say we want isn’t showing up, the clue is often visible in our actions. In these situations, it may very well be true that actions are speaking louder than words, at least vibrationally.

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