Police Shootings, Gaza, The Turkey Farm: 3 News Stories You Should Read Today – 5/15/2018
Reading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. In the category of: The numbers are staggering
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. In the category of: The numbers are staggering
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes After you have discussed your interests and your limits and your safe word, be as creative as you’d like! If you’re not into conventional kinky attire like leather, bondage, whips, or chains, that’s fine! Something as simple as stuffing undies into his mouth and whispering “shhhhh” can be a simple way to introduce role play. Kink looks like whatever makes you happy.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes So for today, while Ivanka and husband are posing for the cameras and doing a media tour, trigger-happy Isreali soldiers are pushing peace further and further off the table. Isis and other groups will take a different approach than the peaceful protestors to defeat the Israelis and the U.S. by default. There will be no shortage of “martyrs”. There never is.
There are lots of ways to start a war. You can, in fact, start a war at a fancy ribbon-cutting ceremony. You can only push people so far before fighting back is a matter of survival. In the occupied territories, survival on a daily basis is very uncertain.
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes It makes me sad to think about the many spiritual people who feel isolated and shamed by their feelings. It also makes me feel sad that deliberate creators feel like they can’t play with the Universe and create when they’re feeling depressed. While that’s not true, the spiritual community doesn’t nurture enough conversations about the sacred nature of sadness and often doesn’t embrace people who can’t find their feel-good thoughts or just get happy.
Depression isn’t a failure. It’s a medical condition. There is no way around that. And in some cases, it’s a medical condition that requires more than one approach to treatment.
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes These low tech, ancient tools basically flush out your sinuses and nasal passages with a saltwater solution. They can be used occasionally when you are in crisis mode, or on a daily basis to flush out pollutants and to promote easy and comfortable breathing through your nose.
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. In the category of: Things you shouldn’t do the
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutes Being happy is a pretty nebulous concept. It’s hard to define and because it’s difficult to put a pin in it on the life map, happiness might not be the best goal. Maybe a better goal is having consistently better days, one day after the next, getting better and better.
The good news is having a better day is doable. It’s doable when you’re down and it’s also doable when you’re up to have even better days. These four insanely easy tips will make it easy to reach for just a little more feel good every day it’ll feel like cheating.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes I look forward to the upcoming royal wedding, the marriage ceremony of Harry and Meghan—not just for the “glam and glitter,” but especially to be present to the intimate recognition of the other, the deep listening of love in action, and the “set the world on fire” changes possible when wedding vows are made inside a spiritual partnership like both of these modern-day princes and their beloveds have created. All of life, then, becomes an awakening to “love and cherish.”
Certain wedding “traditions”—royal or otherwise—are indeed outdated and need tossing aside; others are keepers in their own right. Then there are those traditions that simply need the wisdom of a woman’s touch!
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. In the category of: We are a long
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes One of the first questions I ask most new clients is this: On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, what would you rate your self-worth?
Inevitably, they will answer with a six or a seven. On a scale that runs to ten, seven is pretty high. Most of the time when I hear this reply I can take a pretty quick inventory and know it’s not true. Nothing has more impact on the results we’re getting in our lives than our own sense of worthiness. When something is coming up short, lack of worthiness is an easy and usually accurate reason why.
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