One place where everything comes together

Cindie Chavez


The Real Problem with Doreen Virtue’s Unicorn

Reading Time: 3 minutes Following the “rules” and practicing one’s chosen belief system in an “all-out” manner isn’t fundamentalism. Some of us like to play full out, heart and soul, in a dot-every-i-and-cross-every-t sort of way. And some of us are more laid back, and choose to engage in a more relaxed way. But fundamentalism doesn’t allow the adherent to choose their participation level. There is no freedom to choose a certain path, or way of navigating that path. Fundamentalism chooses for you, and it’s “our way or the highway”.

Fundamentalism in any form – religious, political, social – is worrisome. It always separates, it never unifies.

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A Full Moon Ritual for Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ritual is powered by intention. And intention gets amplified by focused attention and emotion. What we focus on expands, and our feelings and emotions are powerful magnifiers for energy.

A ritual is different from a habit. I’ve often referred to my beloved bedtime tea drinking as part of my “nighttime ritual” – and certainly, you can celebrate tea drinking with ritual – in fact, there are whole ceremonies for tea drinking. However, my own nighttime tea drinking is more of a habit than a ritual. However, if I bring intention into the mix, I’m leaning towards ritual because a ritual is imbued with intention.

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The Importance of Ritual

Reading Time: 4 minutes While researching ritual I discovered an article in Scientific American titled Why Ritual Works. The article explains that research shows that ritual, whether religious or secular, helps alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve confidence. And now it all makes perfect sense to me, why I would have ritual on my mind so strongly right now, at this time in history.

Because the world right now seems complicated and messy, unfair, difficult, and oftentimes frightening. Anything that can alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve our confidence seems like a pretty good idea.

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Ten Magical Self Care Habits to Adopt in 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes Self-care is a somewhat vague term that gets recommended by life coaches and therapists and personal growth enthusiasts, and often is understood to mean massages, manicures, pedicures and the like. And while I have no issue with these things, they more accurately fall into the category of pampering. And I’m a big fan of pampering – it certainly can and should be included in a self-care regimen, however pampering alone does not a self-care regimen make.

If you hold to the hermetic, and magical, principle of “As above, so below. As within, so without.” – then self-care isn’t really an option if you want your body and mind to be healthy, your life to run smoothly, and your experiences to be magical and enjoyable. Because the Universe seems to have a predilection for reflecting our level of self-love and self-care right back at us by way of experiences and events that show up in our lives.

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One Simple Idea to Help You Take Better Care of Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes The most effective self-care is consistent and the best way I’ve found to keep up with it is to order my life according to the moon phases.

Yes, I said it – I order my life according to the moon phases. And yes, I know this might sound like a ridiculous new-agey woo-woo strategy. But, hear me out.

Nature has cycles, rhythms, an ebb and flow. Seasons change, the tides flow in and out, the moon waxes and wanes. The moon’s phases affect the tides and we humans are more than 50% water. (The moon’s 29-day cycle is congruent with a woman’s menstrual cycle as well.)

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When the Present Moment is Dark

Reading Time: 3 minutes Everything we experience is the perfect opportunity for the next step of personal growth. And remember, in nature (which we are a part of) growth is always the objective.

When you view your current circumstances as if you had chosen them you give yourself the gift of empowerment.

Once you choose this perspective you stand in the place of knowing it’s your garden, you planted it, you’re tending it, weeding it, watering it, waiting for it.

And if you’re faithful to the vision, you will see it bloom. And it will be magnificent.

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But I’m Not a Feminist!

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is an idea that equality feels like oppression to those that have had the upper hand.

Some are convinced that feminism is a belief system designed to oppress men, led by a band of angry (and hairy!) women who hate men and only care about themselves. And this is a conspicuous falsehood – a lie – promoted by those who are worried that their own power would be diminished.

But the truth is that feminism is about equality. And equality benefits everyone.

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Does Your Anxiety Support a Conspiracy Theory

Reading Time: 4 minutes Fear-mongering is intended to inflame the emotions, fears, and anxiety of good people to ensure they cast their ballots in the box that serves the ones doing the fear-mongering.

I don’t for one minute believe that every person who is stirred to feel fear is complicit in anti-Semitism or any other conspiracy. But unfortunately whether a person claims to be a racist or not, whether someone claims to hate Jews or not – their anxiety can still be used to fuel the fire of anti-Semitic conspiracies and propaganda.

This same conspiracy is responsible for the demise of six million European Jews during the Holocaust. We must not be ignorant of such devices.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Ignorance is bliss. Until it isn’t.

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Keeping An Abuser’s Secrets in the Age of Trump

Reading Time: 4 minutes Gaslighting, keeping men’s secrets, and misogyny go hand in hand – a wicked braid that is essential to keeping the fabric of the patriarchy intact. Powerful men staying in power because those they hold power over are marginalized, hushed, dependent and scared.

These troubling realities have been on my mind because they’re playing out in a much bigger way. Now instead of an individual abuse victim keeping the secrets of her abuser I’m watching half the country and an entire political party make excuses for the President.

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