One place where everything comes together



Am I Doing Orgasms Wrong?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Plenty of articles will tell you that women (and all people) experience orgasm differently; some people cry after or feel conflicted during – sensations of sexual pleasure can bring up feelings around shame or trauma relating to sexuality. Ask yourself if you have any negative experiences in your personal sexual history that might be making you feel odd about experiencing orgasm or genital pleasure.

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Everything You Need to Know About that Asshole You Should Avoid

Reading Time: 5 minutes I recently talked to a woman who’d been emotionally and psychologically abused by her fiance for almost two years. It was bad. Everyone could see it but her. She told me that after her best friend’s roommate pointed out to her that he was a classic malignant narcissist she knew she needed to end it. She looked it up online. She read all the “symptoms” and sure enough, it fit him to a tee. So, she was finally done. He’s crazy. 

The roommate is a barista. While the observant barista might have been right, those kinds of diagnosis are very complicated and it’s not easy to get right. Even more so, it’s sad that so often we need an excuse to leave a relationship that’s not working. 

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Are You Staying for the Kids?

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’re wondering how healthy your relationship is, ask yourself if you have the kind of life you want for your children when they’re grown? Would it be ok to get hit occasionally? Would a little bit of infidelity be alright for your little one? Is “not that bad” good enough for your children in their future marriage?

I doubt it. But if you’re living it, you are making it much more likely that’s exactly what will happen.

Children have x-ray vision. They see what’s going on behind closed doors. If you’re staying in a relationship for the kids, make it one worth modeling, or get out. Period.

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The Power of Choice

Reading Time: 5 minutes It wasn’t until a recent serious illness and a diagnosis of having a chronic autoimmune disease that I finally woke up and understood that I was living my life on auto-pilot. I finally realized that I had been subconsciously choosing to use assumptions based on past experiences and tolerations, to build my current and future life on. I realized that I had the ability to use intelligent and thoughtful choices, powerful manifesting techniques, and my intuition to guide my life.

I finally understood. Everything I had done, everything I had tolerated all these years had been the result of choices I had made that were based on incredibly bad assumptions that I had believed as truths.

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Pansexuality: My Daughter Just Came Out But She’s Not Exactly Gay

Reading Time: 2 minutes More people who had previously self-labeled as bisexual are now updating that description to pansexual, after they realized that people don’t often fall into these rigid categories of gender-identity expression. Gender is influenced by chromosomes, organs, hormones, and socialization. Transgender people and those that we refer to as “gender nonconforming” are just that; real people who categorically tend to get left out of our conversations about sex and culture when we only talk in typical terms “man” and “woman”. Try to not get hung up on the words, it just means that your daughter likes people for who they are.

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Be Relentless In The Pursuit Of More

Reading Time: 2 minutes Goal setting doesn’t work because it’s are based on the innately flawed premise that you need to be different. It’s often about giving something up when chances are what you really need is more. The biggest epidemic we have as a society is chronically underfed and uninspired souls.

Listen to the whisper of your soul. It’s probably begging for more.

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Why Those Grey Hairs Are Good News

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m not trying to tell every women ‘of a certain age’ that they need to completely to surrender to entropy and shrug off the ravages of time. Attention to our appearance, pampering our skin, and, yes–even dying our greying locks to our preferred color, can all be nourishing self-care rituals.

That’s totally up to the individual woman.

But, I do want to challenge you to ask yourself WHY you are engaging in these rituals. Do you love them? Is it enjoyable and fun? (Or is the result enjoyable because YOU love it—rather than because you expect someone else will love you more because of it?)

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