One place where everything comes together

abortion ban



Reading Time: 2 minutes Make a plan NOW. Decide what you would do in the unanticipated event you need medical services no longer available in your state. If that plan involves an out-of-state contact you may need to visit for seven to ten days, make that plan with your contact over the phone. Do not make plans via email or text. Your digital records could be subpoenaed in a criminal investigation.

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Vox: Getting an abortion in “the most pro-life state in America”

Reading Time: 18 minutes Even before they sit down, though, patients are confronted with reminders that this place is under threat. A sign on the door reads “internal and external security surveillance: 24 hours a day.” Another, nearby, asks patients not to speak to protesters. Then there is the ominous poster on the waiting room wall: “The coastline of Louisiana is not eroding nearly as fast as a woman’s right to determine her own outcome.”

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Mad as Hell and Full of Compassion

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Dalai Lama has said, “Suffering should make us angry. This type of anger moves us toward a wrathful compassion to take action to end suffering.”

Society as a whole suffers when women don’t have control of their own bodies. Women’s rights are human rights.

In order for a woman to control her destiny, she must have the right to control her own body.

And this includes her right to be angry.

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