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The way we eat could doom us as a species. Here’s a new diet designed to save us.

Reading Time: 7 minutes Feeding everyone within planetary boundaries will also mean changing agricultural practices and reducing food loss. It’s a gargantuan task, and it’s clearly not a top priority yet for most leaders (ahem, Donald Trump). Yet it’s time to get moving, time to sift through the big ambitious ideas like those in the Lancet report and figure out how to eat in ways that won’t destroy the planet. Otherwise, we might be cooked.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: Three More Tips for Fending Off the Cold and Flu

Reading Time: 5 minutes There’s nothing like a nasty cold – or worse the flu – to derail your plans for a week (or more) and make life miserable.

However, I’m definitely not a fan of disrupting my natural immunity with a flu shot. Unless you have serious health issues, you are much better off using herbs, foods and simple lifestyle adjustments to nip an incipient cold or flu in the bud, before it can even grab hold.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: 3 Tips to Stay Well During Cold Season

Reading Time: 5 minutes The common cold (and its evil cousin, the respiratory flu) seem to be just facts of life for many of us. And, now that those of us north of the equator are deep into the winter season, it can seem like we’re surrounded by sniffles.

Unless you’re holed up on a mountain top you can’t escape the cacophony of coughs and sneezes that abound in public spaces, and it’s all made worse in cold climates where that space is firmly sealed up against the bitter temperatures.

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Vox: The extraordinary therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs, explained

Reading Time: 19 minutes Support for psychedelics is also one of those rare issues that can, in some cases, cut across conventional political lines. Rebekah Mercer, the billionaire Republican financier and co-owner of Breitbart, has donated a $1 million to MAPS to fund studies and legalization effort. As the research advances, we could see more bipartisan support like this.

One big remaining question has to do with access. If you spend any time at all in the psychedelic subculture, you can’t help but notice that it consists mostly of privileged white people. This is largely a product of who’s holding these spaces, how much they cost (anywhere from $600 to well over $1,000 per session), where they’re being held, and the networks of people propping them up. That many people simply don’t know about the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is yet another barrier. All of this has to change, and hopefully, it will when psychedelics aren’t relegated to the underground.

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Combatting Cold and Flu Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes While you may not be able to avoid illness entirely, you can take steps to protect yourself from the common cold and more serious bugs like the flu.

This cold and flu season, keep essentials on-hand from thermometers that can help you diagnose a fever quickly to humidifiers and heated blankets that can potentially help shorten your recovery time.

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Five Out-of-the-Box Tips to Lose That Extra Weight

Reading Time: 5 minutes I long ago gave up on the concept of ‘New Year’s Resolutions, but I’m a big fan of harnessing that brand new year energy to set solid intentions, get clear on priorities, and feel some real momentum toward the realization of my dreams and goals.

Turning the calendar page to January 1st can fill us with a surge of energy and the inspiration to really make headway on those changes we’ve been dreaming of. The potential seems infinite!

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Celebrate the Return of the Light – Winter Solstice Today

Reading Time: 6 minutes Today is a special day. It is the shortest day of the year if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Friday, December 21st, is the Winter Solstice. On Saturday the sun will once again travel north and our days will slowly begin to lengthen.

If you live south of the equator, of course, it is all opposite. It’s your Summer Solstice. You all have reached your peak of daylight and now your sunrises will be just a bit later each morning.

I’ve always been fascinated with how humans developed holiday celebrations and traditions to ease them through these darkest days, and to celebrate the return of the light.

The actual moment of the Solstice varies each year. This year it occurs at 2:23 p.m. Pacific Time. Find out when it occurs in your own time zone here.

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How To Feel Healthy and Relaxed Amidst the Holiday Frenzy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s face it—even if you’re a person that absolutely loves the razzle-dazzle of the winter holidays, even if you find joy and delight browsing through your local shops or favorite websites in search for that perfect gift for your favorite friend — you probably notice yourself getting a little stressed out from it all sometimes.

Holiday stress is a thing. We want to get it perfect. To find the best gifts that knock their socks off, prepare the most delicious meals, show up for that New Year’s party in a dress that makes you feel like you’re on a movie set.

We want the kids to be happy, the travel to go smoothly, and of course to look and feel fabulous throughout it all.

Inevitably that’s a fail. And you might already know it and have been dreading that feeling of stress and failure for the last month or so.

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