One place where everything comes together



3 Ways to Make Your Heart Healthier

Reading Time: 3 minutes “It’s never too late – or too early – to lower your risk for heart disease,” said Josephine Boyington, Ph.D., a nurse, licensed nutritionist and program director in the Division of Cardiovascular Health at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health.

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Why Your Favorite Fragrance May Not Be Your Friend

Reading Time: 4 minutes Fragrance…. It sounds like such a benign word. We say, that flower has a lovely fragrance.

The truth is that many companies are using the word ‘fragrance’ as a catch-all term for a chemical cocktail that is now being shown to disrupt the function of important hormones, including thyroid and adrenals, causing all kinds of problems with your health and wellbeing.

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One Surprising Technique to Slow the Aging Process

Reading Time: 4 minutes Frequent dwelling on the past—even on positive memories—can actually accelerate the aging process!

Now, when I say ‘positive memories,’ I’m not talking about occasionally sharing some nostalgia with loved ones while viewing photos of a treasured vacation. I mean a regular and excessive habit of looking back on times when it seemed like things were better than they are now.

Yep—accelerates the aging process.

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The Beauty of Sleep: How to Cultivate Inner and Outer Youthfulness with Better Rest

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are plenty of things you can do to help yourself look and feel more youthful. You can eat right. You can sculpt your body through exercise. You can adhere to a skin care regimen. You can even meditate your way to better health. However, without proper sleep, you’re severely hampering — if not completely destroying — all other progress. Here’s how you can get better rest for maximum beauty, both inside and out.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal #6: Five More Essential Oils to Treat and Beat Cold and Flu

Reading Time: 5 minutes I love essential oils because they’re basically concentrated plant medicine. The small bottles are so easy to carry with you and pull out at need.

A lot of people get confused because essential ‘oil’ is somewhat of a misnomer. These substances are actually not oily at all, and are created (most often) through a complex distillation method that extracts the medicinal essence of a plant from the water and plant matter.

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Nicotine to Help Treat Memory Loss?

Reading Time: 2 minutes According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately one in five people age 65 or older have mild memory loss or MCI and are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Currently, there is no FDA-approved medication indicated to treat this condition; however, nicotine stimulates an area in the brain known to be important for thinking and memory, and scientists believe it could be an effective treatment for adults with MCI.

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Understanding and Coping with Systemic Inflammation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Inflammation can be beneficial to the body by signaling to your immune system that your body needs to recover from infection or injury. Sometimes, however, things can go awry, and your body can experience inflammation where it is not needed. Systemic inflammation can be debilitating and cause other problems that affect your entire body. If you struggle with systemic inflammation, all hope is not lost. There are some steps you can take to alleviate your pain.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal #3: Fight it Off or Get Rid of it Fast!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If a cold or flu virus is getting you down this winter, this series of tips is for you!

There are plenty of natural remedies—and lifestyle modifications—that will help you beat a cold that’s trying to get you before it takes hold. And if you stay on top of things even before you start feeling those symptoms, you’re much more likely to get through cold and flu season feeling healthy and energized…. even when you’re surrounded by people who are snuffling and sneezing into their hankies!

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