One place where everything comes together



There is No Healing Without Love

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our body’s propensity is to heal. You may be doing everything you can to support your body and promote healing – keep doing the things that support you. I had a serious health crisis of my own, and although it was nearly two decades ago, I still vividly remember the frustration of doing everything I knew to do and not finding relief. It’s frustrating. Don’t give up. Infuse your self-care with LOVE.

You are made of Love, worthy of Love, capable of Love…there is so much Love for you in the world. Your heart, mind, soul, body, spirit are all parts of a beautiful miracle that is you.

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Is Your Sunscreen Safe? And Does It Even Work?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The problem with that is your skin is one of the most absorbent organs on your body. So, the lotions and skincare products you apply to your body go pretty much directly into your bloodstream. These sunscreens contain ingredients that most of us would never dream of eating in our food (and the FDA would never allow it), yet somehow it seems okay to put them on our bodies.

A huge percentage of mainstream sunscreens contain oxybenzone, a chemical that can act as a hormone disruptor, causing things like reproductive and developmental toxicity, thyroid problems and other hormonal havoc. (Who needs more problems with their hormones?!) Additionally, as mentioned above, this chemical is now known to damage coral reefs.

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Want Superior Nutrition & Taste Too? Try Some Kale!

Reading Time: 6 minutes This leafy green gives you more nutritional value – with fewer calories – than just about any other food or vegetable!

It contains more than 45 different flavonoids – such as quercetin – which provide both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Because of this, eating your kale will do its part to help you limit the discomfort of chronic inflammations.

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The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Antidepressants

Reading Time: 6 minutes It makes me sad to think about the many spiritual people who feel isolated and shamed by their feelings. It also makes me feel sad that deliberate creators feel like they can’t play with the Universe and create when they’re feeling depressed. While that’s not true, the spiritual community doesn’t nurture enough conversations about the sacred nature of sadness and often doesn’t embrace people who can’t find their feel-good thoughts or just get happy.

Depression isn’t a failure. It’s a medical condition. There is no way around that. And in some cases, it’s a medical condition that requires more than one approach to treatment.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning routines weren’t on my radar, and didn’t seem like something I would really do until the day I found out about Morning Pages {a stream of consciousness journaling}. Before I had started any morning routine, I’d normally find myself spaced out, tired, running around last minute, and not feeling very productive most mornings.

Now, I am entering most days from an intuitive, calm, aware, creative, and productive place. I feel excitement and hope to begin the rest of my day, and I am able to work from a much more centered and passionate place within myself.

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How to Get Radiant Skin from the Inside Out

Reading Time: 5 minutes The thing is, if frequent blemish outbreaks plague your life you really have to dig a little deeper. Sure, natural cleansers, masks and toners will help. And even some of the high-quality commercial products (formulated with natural ingredients) might temporarily bring you closer to your dream of a flawless complexion.

But if you don’t at least try to address the root cause of the problem it’s like just slapping on so much more cover-up.

Come to think of it—this is a metaphor for A LOT of things in life. But I’ll save those thoughts for another post.

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Secret Strategies to Look and Feel Younger

Reading Time: 6 minutes People constantly mistake me for someone much younger than 56, and remark on my youthful appearance.  And it happens even more frequently since making some needed life changes, basically reinventing myself, in my early 50s.

So – what are these secret strategies?

Well, most of them have nothing to do with creams and potions and special vitamins, or even super foods, special exercise programs or any other conventional ‘Anti-Aging’ wisdom. In fact, inspired by Dr. Christiane Northrup, I’m trying to ditch the term ‘anti-aging’ completely – in favor of Ageless.

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