One place where everything comes together



Huffpo: I’m Not ‘Lucky’ Because My Husband Cooks And Cleans

Reading Time: 5 minutes To say it’s lucky that my 40-something husband can and does make his own dinner, places his own towel in the bathroom hamper, and calls to ask if he can pick our daughter up from soccer practice when he gets out of work early takes us from a sign that he is an adult to evidence that I’ve scooped the bonus prize out of the cereal bag of life.

But there’s nothing lucky about opening your box of breakfast cereal in the morning and finding corn flakes inside. The problem is opening the box and finding nothing at all.

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Transitioning Back to Work After Baby

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just when you were getting the hang of having a baby at home, it’s time to go back to work. Beyond the expected changes such as picking work tasks back up and catching up on things you’ve missed, your priorities have most likely shifted now that you’re a parent.

It’s normal for parents to feel anxious about transitioning back to work after having a baby, but they don’t have to do it alone. Most new parents have built-in support systems of friends and family, but if their child will be attending daycare, that structure can provide additional help through the transition.

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A Full Moon Ritual for Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ritual is powered by intention. And intention gets amplified by focused attention and emotion. What we focus on expands, and our feelings and emotions are powerful magnifiers for energy.

A ritual is different from a habit. I’ve often referred to my beloved bedtime tea drinking as part of my “nighttime ritual” – and certainly, you can celebrate tea drinking with ritual – in fact, there are whole ceremonies for tea drinking. However, my own nighttime tea drinking is more of a habit than a ritual. However, if I bring intention into the mix, I’m leaning towards ritual because a ritual is imbued with intention.

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I was groomed as a teenager – here’s what it looked like.

Reading Time: 5 minutes With all of the talk surrounding R. Kelly (and let’s not forget that whole Drake and Millie Bobby Brown thing), I wanted to share my own story of being groomed. It isn’t cinematic and it wasn’t overt, but it happened. Luckily I was unharmed, but what I remember most that it felt like a natural step towards adulthood. I thought to myself, what teenage girl doesn’t have a dalliance – however small – with an older man? Looking back now I see that this feeling – that it’s normal, that it’s part of growing up – is the danger. Because not only is it perceived by many girls as normal, it’s a dream come true.

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My Teen Daughter Has Been Sexting an Adult – I Don’t Know What To Do

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you have any thoughts about pursuing criminal charges or investigation, you absolutely must, as awkward or painful as it might be, take screenshots of every piece of conversation between he and your daughter, and your message to him afterward. Save those in a folder and put them away, because there might be details that can vastly change the color of what was going on in this one specific case.

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A Tall Order For Adults Who Care About Bullied Kids

Reading Time: 2 minutes If we want kids to feel good about themselves, feel like they matter and know they’re enough, then we’re going to have to step up and become MAJOR influencers in their lives. 

How do we do it? We make our message louder and clearer than the messages kids receive through social media and their peers.

Not easy. But if we want our kids to feel the kind of confidence that stands firm in the face of bullies, then this is our work.

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