One place where everything comes together



Good Role Modeling Helpful, But Not Required

Reading Time: 2 minutes Parents and teachers working to help kids create confidence can do a world of good just by asking kids questions, and then listening without judgment. Giving kids an opportunity to safely explore and express their thoughts and feelings about current events is the best thing we can do with role model behavior that screams “Don’t try this at home. You’re better than this!”

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Despite What You See in the News – Life is Good.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Life is good because when we see bad leadership, we must hear our soul’s clarion call for good leadership. Beloveds, humans want good leadership. It is our birthright. I am grateful for #45 (whose name shall NEVER be muttered) because he brings out the collective shadow side of this country. The invisibility that racism yields, the greed capitalism exploits, the abuse of power that patriarchy unveils, and the nationalism that breeds ethnocentrism has forever been altered because he gave us this great gift by bringing it out in the open, forcing us to look at ourselves as well as the culture that we live in.

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10 Tips For Spotting A Balanced Mature Man

Reading Time: 5 minutes I talk to a lot of women who are relatively convinced that either all men are dogs or all the good ones are gone. I can tell you with complete certainty that’s just not true. I see great men pretty much everywhere I look. I have a bunch of really incredible men on my caseload who are single and looking.

In all fairness though, there are a lot of man-children out there on the dating market, and they get around. They give the species a bad name. These men are unbalanced, immature and self-absorbed. However, let’s face it, there are also unstable, immature and self-absorbed women playing the game also.

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Why Does She Stay? Domestic Abuse Looks Very Different from the Inside

Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s been said that pornography is very hard to define, but you know it when you see it. Domestic abuse is a lot like that. Sometimes, especially in the fray of survival, it’s hard to define, but you know it when you’re experiencing it, and it’s for the victim, and only the victim to make that definition. The fact that it’s confusing might be the first clue you’re in trouble. You don’t need an “approved” excuse to get out of a relationship. If you’re wondering if you’re being abused, the semantics don’t even matter anymore. Something is going on and whatever that something is, it’s not good, and it’s enough.

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