One place where everything comes together



Why Unification Is The Death Of A Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes Personally, I do not want to become half of some amalgamated union. I want to feel desire and devotion for my beloved. Not obligation and or responsibility. That said, I cannot desire him, if I honestly see him as an extension of myself. A relationship is bigger when two people bring their whole selves to it and breath fresh air through, when the space they take up forces the relationship to expand. Relationships do not feed themselves.

People need their own time, hobbies, friends, and money. They need to flourish and grow alone so the relationship itself doesn’t stagnate. I believe one of the most accurate measurements of a healthy relationship is how much two people encourage each other to grow individually. Yes, that takes courage, but the pay off personally is huge, so it’s both altruistic and selfish at the same time.

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Help Me, FIX my PARTNER ….Cause, I’ve Got My Shit Together

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have learned all too well, the anguish, hurt, disgust, and unspoken, gut-wrenching tension this mindset brings to a relationship.  It hurts, and it creates walls of division and fear in our relationships.

Everyone must run their own race in life, and it’s not your place to own your partner’s race.  This removes the beauty of growth and love for them and leaves you emotionally drained and tired.

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My partner and I can talk about almost anything. We’ve always had good communication. However, after three years, I still find it very difficult to talk to him about sex.

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is very common for adults to have a tough time asking for their desires, but it still troubles me if two people who have spent years of time together aren’t able to feel comfortable enough for one to say to another:  “I’ve realized that I’m craving some spontaneity around our sex.”

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Will He Ever Leave His Wife?

Reading Time: 4 minutes So, if you find yourself asking the question, “will this man ever leave his wife?” I would suggest you up your standards and think about what kind of man you really want to be with. What kind of life do you really want to live? Are you willing to live with the uncertainty about whether or not it will happen to you when the going gets tough, and it will, because life happens, and when life happens you will wonder. Trust me. You will.

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