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DIY Home Safety and Security Measures for Domestic Violence Survivors

Reading Time: 3 minutes One way to recover from domestic violence is to restore a sense of security. For many, that includes making modifications around the house for safety. Today’s home security systems are far more advanced, and homeowners can now choose from a wide range of security options, such as around-the-clock monitoring and video surveillance. The average cost runs around $739 for an alarm system installation, with many jobs falling in the $600 to $850 range.

While not everyone can afford a high-end security system, it is possible to reclaim one’s sense of safety within a budget. There are other low-cost modifications one can make themselves to help secure the home. Try the following DIY projects to start reclaiming your sense of safety.

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How You Feel About Yourself Is Contagious

Reading Time: 4 minutes It doesn’t come naturally for a woman to love herself in our society. In fact, things are set up quite the opposite. A lot of huge, money-making corporations in the world that control most of what you see out there every day, bank of the fact that you will feel unworthy.

This is a bold statement, but I’ll say it anyway. If you don’t have the skills to truly love yourself, you might not have much business in a relationship. You are dangerous to yourself and others until you heal. A relationship won’t fix you. Only you can do that.

This story was shared with permission and the names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

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The One Thing We Should Not Be Teaching Girls About Sex

Reading Time: 3 minutes The dialog needs to change. Girls need to be taught self-respect and self-love early, and so do boys. Girls need to understand sex isn’t something you give away, it’s something you share and experience. There is a lot of talk right now about teaching boys about consent and boundaries, and that’s way past due. However, there needs to be a conversation about teaching girls that sex isn’t a prize to give away in exchange for something, like love and that love comes from inside first and when it does you don’t feel so desperate to get it somewhere else.

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Pansexuality: My Daughter Just Came Out But She’s Not Exactly Gay

Reading Time: 2 minutes More people who had previously self-labeled as bisexual are now updating that description to pansexual, after they realized that people don’t often fall into these rigid categories of gender-identity expression. Gender is influenced by chromosomes, organs, hormones, and socialization. Transgender people and those that we refer to as “gender nonconforming” are just that; real people who categorically tend to get left out of our conversations about sex and culture when we only talk in typical terms “man” and “woman”. Try to not get hung up on the words, it just means that your daughter likes people for who they are.

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How to Care for Yourself if You Are Susceptible to Urinary Tract Infections & Yeast Infection

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recommend these holistic methods for dealing with bacterial vaginosis, yeasties, or general chafing from clothes or sex or hot weather: I use tea tree oil suppositories by the half or the full dose when I begin to feel a little ‘sting’ down there due to vaginal imbalance. I also just discovered MomotaroApotheca’s vaginal wellness salve and it’s already saved my vulva from some irritation a couple of times.

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How to Fix a Boring Relationship: Inquiring Reader Wants to Know

Reading Time: 3 minutes If all you have to talk about is dry cleaning and bills you should make it a priority to be doing or learning something interesting to bring to the table. The first step to fixing anything always starts with you. In this case, the fixing is fun. Basically, you probably need to be having more fun so you have some of that kind of energy to inject into your relationship.

Waiting for your relationship to relieve your boredom will never work. You have to be the spark that starts the fire.

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How to Spot a Lie

Reading Time: 4 minutes I always say you want to be in a relationship with someone who has one personality. They are awesome in private and in public. They are exactly who they say they are no matter what’s going on around them. We like to give people the benefit of the doubt. We don’t want to be “too picky”. However, if you want the love of your dreams, be uncompromising. Choose like your life, or at least the life of your dreams, depends on it because it does.


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