One place where everything comes together



A Self-love Story About a Woman, a Man, and a French Bulldog Named August

Reading Time: 7 minutes A woman who doesn’t love herself is always a great risk of falling for a man who will take advantage of her inability to value herself. That kind of vulnerability is dangerous in the wrong hands. The risk is real and the consequences are steep. The bottom line is, if you don’t feel valuable, and completely worthy of only good things, you shouldn’t be dating at all. Being alone while you’re figuring yourself out is way better than being with an abuser, no matter how long it takes to get emotionally healthy.

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A Mother’s Guide to Raising Sexually Responsible Sons

Reading Time: 6 minutes The majority of sex education is focused at girls, specifically driving in the point that girls have a lot more to lose because of the risk of pregnancy. This, leaving an unspoken message that boys are mostly unaffected by unplanned pregnancy — which unfortunately is true more often than it should be, but not always. Yeah, we’re teaching safe sex. Boys hear the condom message loud and clear, and studies show many of them are still ignoring it.

Traditionally, women have left the heavy lifting of sex-education for boys to men. Fathers handle it and maybe a coach chimes in. Then a lot of the rest of it is left to peers. However, now, for reasons that are obvious women are wondering how to help their boys. No one wants to raise an “accidental rapist” – and that’s a pretty low bar. 

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6 Ways To Find Yourself On A Spiritual Path

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’m in the spiritually based personal development business. I think a lot of people could transform their lives by taking a deeper dive into learning about spirituality. Reading the books, buying the stuff, spending time in the sphere of a teacher can be life transforming. However, the key is to find yourself in the teachings vs. trying to recreate yourself to be a knock off of a master.

When it comes to the depths of my soul, no one can be my guru but me.

The same rules apply to you. You are your own best guru. No one else can feel the stir of your heart. You aren’t going to find your fire in the pages of a book. It’s your life work to examine the DNA of your soul, then figure out who to sooth it and grow it on your unique journey to your specific brand of enlightenment.

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Anti-Bullying is Anti-Effective

Reading Time: 3 minutes Just because something doesn’t work out the way we want it to, we don’t just give up. Only wimps give up. We just need to try harder, right? 

Harder… no.

Smarter… yes.

Putting an end to bullying is something we’ve been working on for decades. Most schools offer programs teaching kids how to be kind, respectful and inclusive; and parents are talking up these very topics at home too.

Still, our kids are surrounded by bully behavior on a daily basis.

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My Boyfriend Cheated On Me and I’m More Curious than Angry

Reading Time: 4 minutes If a long-term relationship and marriage is a goal of yours, I suggest you invest in the quality of raw, sometimes uncomfortable discussion about your desires: do you like flirting with your barista? Do you and he want to send sexy pics to other consenting people or couples? Does he and you have freedom to look at sexually charged material on your own time, without having to report back to the other? My boyfriend and I feel comfortable bringing up our monogamish leanings; it helps us keep realistic about our very real desires, even if we don’t wish to act on them.

“Forever” is a lot longer than most people realize, especially when the new-relationship excitement is so strong; it seems like it will never fade. It’s time to reframe how we talk about our desires – and remember that being married by thirty could mean fifty years of time with your companion of choice.

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Podcast: An Honest Conversation About Screens and Our Children

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today’s episode will explore the issue of parenting in the digital age and how to get out of the cycle of using screen time as reward and punishment. Not all screen time is equal. We will look at the good and the bad and how we can best balance being a consumer with being a creator. Parents will be asked to reflect on their own screen habits before looking at a framework for house rules regarding technology. The goal is to humanize ourselves with our children, avoid power struggles and deepen our connection to one another as all of us learn how to co-exist with technology in the healthiest way. 

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A Blessing in the Kavanaugh Turmoil: Let’s Talk to Our Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kids know that sexual assault is about sex and that it involves the body. But what kids also need to know is that at its core, sexual assault is a violent form of aggression and is disrespectful of another person’s boundaries. Kids need us to talk to them about aggression, boundaries and respect for others. But that’s not enough. 

What kids desperately need is to witness healthy examples of adults showing respect for the boundaries of others–including not using aggression to get what we want.

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Self-care and Sanity After Domestic Violence

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you are on a path of healing after domestic abuse, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself. After a difficult and turmoltuous  experience, self-care is incredibly important for one’s overall mental health. There are several basic but overlooked practices of self-care, including sleep, relaxation, stress reduction, and learning to say no. Keep reading to learn more about how to incorporate these into your healing process.

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Want Better Communication? Try This!

Reading Time: 4 minutes I like the written word, so texting or email often feel like a wonderful way to express myself. And yet—I now understand that I’ve got to view them not as a replacement, but simply an addition to face to face, or voice to voice interaction. The depth, the nuance, and the detail simply cannot be replaced by texting or even emailing.

If you are in a long distance romantic relationship, technology can be your friend by providing Jetson’s style video calling. Not only do you get a chance to hear the timbre of your beloved’s voice, you can gaze into their beautiful eyes and remember how much you love them… even if they are physically hundreds or thousands of miles away.

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