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Roger Stone is Finally Indicted and Taken into Custody: It’s a Doublewide Domino Falling

Reading Time: 2 minutes This indictment is not the whole story. It’s quite likely the intro chapter. Just because the charge today is obstruction of justice doesn’t mean many other charges against Stone won’t emerge. We’ve seen that happen repeatedly in the way the Special Council works. Think both Cohen and Manafort. Once they were indicted the charges just kept flowing.

Additionally, the real prize in this box is: The unnamed senior campaign official.

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Politico: British Politics Goes Over a Cliff

Reading Time: 5 minutes  British politics is broken. It may not be fixable in time to solve the Brexit mess.

The U.K. wakes up Wednesday with a government unable to govern — in office, but without the numbers to fulfill its central purpose: a negotiated exit from the European Union.

A defeat of previously unimaginable proportions Tuesday — 432 to 202 — has left the country adrift, floating towards no deal, with no party or faction in parliament able to command a majority for any way of moving off the course it has set for itself. The only thing MPs can agree strongly on is a desire to avoid an economically damaging no deal, but they currently can’t settle on a mechanism for how to do so.
Faced with disaster, Theresa May has a plan but no strategy — the Churchillian maxim, “Keep Buggering On.”

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