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The War of the Future is Here Now

Reading Time: 3 minutes The challenge with what’s happening right now is we’ve never seen it before, so it’s difficult to recognize it for what it is:
This is war – we are in it – it’s not happening in the future. It’s happening now. Just because it didn’t look like wars we’ve seen before doesn’t mean it’s not war.

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Trust Me, Mueller Doesn’t Need the Trump Organization Documents

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Times report said the subpoena is related to records before Trump’s run for office specifically related to real estate and business dealings with Russia. Considering the list of high profile witnesses that have been on parade cooperating with the investigation in recent weeks, it’s fairly clear Mueller isn’t on a fishing expedition. Mueller is on a coffin nailing mission, and who’s in that coffin is yet to be determined. However, these court documents have the name “Trump Organization” written all over them.

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When the Person Who Just Got Fired is a Horrible Human, Isn’t That a Good Thing? Don’t bet on it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Every departure from this administration, no matter how vile the human who is leaving, is sending us further into a death spiral of a failing democracy. Trump is not capable of designing a leadership team who will challenge him.

The good news about democracy is, it’s still built on people. Truth be told, we may have already lost our democracy. However, 2018 can be the year we took it back.

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