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Reading Time: 4 minutes Imagine you lived in a world where your family, your faith, your community, your government and your society told you that there was something wrong with you. If you didn’t get fixed, you had no place, no acceptance, and you didn’t deserve love. In the last 20 years, our society has become more accepting, but those wounds on society do not heal overnight, they scar. At the core of Pride is one basic idea; that as LGBTQ people, we deserve love, we are not broken or shameful, we should be proud to be who we are. It never hurts to feel love from the straight people in our lives, that they are proud of us too.

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Nancy Pelosi: What if the greatest democracy in history failed in the dark?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Nancy Pelosi will make her place in history which hangs on one decision. She will either be the hero of a clap-back meme or the woman who made the decision to allow what belongs to the public into the light. That truth belongs to each and every one of us and it’s past time we had it.

Pelosi is one of the most powerful women on earth. Will she lead or will she continue to stonewall?

This is about transparency and Pelosi knows it. If she fails to proceed, she’s no less guilty of choking our democracy with lack of transparency than a President who’s guilty of Obstruction of Justice.

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The Atlantic: Robert Mueller Wishes You’d Read His Report

Reading Time: 4 minutes Mueller is a man out of time. This is the age of alternatively factual tweets and sound bites; he’s a by-the-book throwback who expects Americans to read and absorb carefully worded 400-page reports. Has he met us? His high standards sometimes manifest as touching naïveté. “I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner,” Mueller said today, explaining that his report was his testimony and that Congress should not expect him to answer questions with any new information.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes While the impeachment debate unfolds among House Democrats, many are looking to the courts to force transparency and compliance on the Trump White House. “I think so much is going to depend on the courts. What I have described is that we are at a constitutional impasse or a constitutional hardball,” Congressman Ro Khanna told me. “What happens next is dependent on the courts. If the courts rule against the administration and the administration defies a court order, then I think it is a full-blown crisis.”

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Hufpo: Democrats Inching Closer To Impeachment

Reading Time: 6 minutes As the pressure builds on impeachment, the Judiciary Committee is moving to enforce its subpoenas and penalize those who violate them.

Traditionally, the next step in the oversight process would be to hold officials in contempt with a vote on the House floor. From there, the House would try to enforce its subpoenas by referring the uncooperative officials to the Justice Department for prosecution or filing a lawsuit in federal court. The problem with that strategy is the Trump administration can simply decline to prosecute its own officials, and the court battles could take years.

Still, opening impeachment proceedings isn’t inevitable, and Pelosi could stall such a move longer by more promises of investigation.

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