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Atlantic: A Resolution Condemning White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention

Reading Time: 8 minutes The Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting turned chaotic in Phoenix this week over a resolution that condemned white supremacy and the alt-right. On Tuesday, leaders initially declined to consider the proposal submitted by a prominent black pastor in Texas, Dwight McKissic, and only changed course after a significant backlash. On Wednesday afternoon, the body passed a revised statement against the alt-right. But the drama over the resolution revealed deep tension lines within a denomination that was explicitly foundedto support slavery.

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Psychology Today: The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous

Reading Time: 3 minutes Psychologists have explained quite a lot about Donald Trump’s political invincibility and the unconditional allegiance of his followers. One well-supported explanation is that the president keeps his base loyal by keeping them fearful. Through persistent fear-mongering, with scary messages like, “Illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists,” and “Islam hates us,” Trump gets to play the role of the great protector.

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How Children Can Receive Free or Low-Cost Preventive Care

Reading Time: 2 minutes Parents with low to moderate incomes (up to nearly $50,000, or even higher in some states) may be able to enroll their children in Medicaid or CHIP. There’s no special open enrollment period; you can enroll your children at any time during the year. To enroll your children, you can apply in-person with your state’s Medicaid or CHIP agency, visit the “Find Coverage for Your Family” section on or call 1-877-KIDS-NOW (1-877-543-7669).

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