One place where everything comes together



List of 4 Insanely Useful Tips for Having a Better Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes Being happy is a pretty nebulous concept. It’s hard to define and because it’s difficult to put a pin in it on the life map, happiness might not be the best goal. Maybe a better goal is having consistently better days, one day after the next, getting better and better.

The good news is having a better day is doable. It’s doable when you’re down and it’s also doable when you’re up to have even better days. These four insanely easy tips will make it easy to reach for just a little more feel good every day it’ll feel like cheating.

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Self-worthiness: 3 Telltale Signs Yours Isn’t As High As It Should Be

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the first questions I ask most new clients is this: On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, what would you rate your self-worth? 

Inevitably, they will answer with a six or a seven. On a scale that runs to ten, seven is pretty high. Most of the time when I hear this reply I can take a pretty quick inventory and know it’s not true. Nothing has more impact on the results we’re getting in our lives than our own sense of worthiness. When something is coming up short, lack of worthiness is an easy and usually accurate reason why.

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The Ebb and Flow of a Spiritual Practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said that “matter is spirit fallen into a state of self-otherness”.  His idea has often been interpreted in the thought that “we are not humans having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” If this is true, then we can’t not have a spiritual practice. We are spiritual beings. Our life is our practice.

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If You Feel Like Giving Up, Please Do

Reading Time: 2 minutes When giving up feels better, it is not a failure. It is an instruction from your higher self-pointing the way to your success.

One of my favorite alt-spiritual quotes is from Frank Butterfield: “Give up early and often.” It might seem contradictory advice to creating what we want, but often it’s the magic that makes the difference.

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Promoting Mental Health at Home: How to Design the Perfect Meditation Room

Reading Time: 7 minutes There are all kinds of benefits to meditation, both physical and psychological. From reduced chronic pain to better cognitive function, meditating every day or even a few times a week is a wonderful way to boost your overall well-being and happiness. Creating the ideal space for your quiet reflection isn’t difficult, but there are specific elements you’ll want to include and others you’ll want to avoid. This is your guide to designing the perfect meditation room in your own home, and reap the most benefits from your meditation time.

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It’s a Clusterf*!k – Hard Lessons About Racism, Love, and Learning at Danielle Laporte’s Expense

Reading Time: 7 minutes May all our teaching of others be constructive, creative, transformative, reflective where the teacher learns in the experience also.

You can never teach effectively without dignity. You can never truly have transformative teaching without love.

I believe that transformative learning experiences happen when we all truthfully look at our shadow side and hold our shadows with great care and love. You hold mine and I hold yours with respect, dignity and profound love that reminds us both that we are reflections of the Divine.

As an old proverb says, “My freedom is bound up in yours.” If the cost of my freedom is your destruction, then we have Mutually Assured Destruction. I want you alive, well and healthy. I hope you want the same for me too.

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I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

Reading Time: 4 minutes I call it, “trying to manifest in the churn.” When you’re in a sailboat headed for the open ocean, there is always a patch of water between the harbor and the clear flat ocean that gets a little or a lot rough. That is what we would call the churn. It’s easy to get stuck in the harbor because you don’t want to even get into the churn. It’s also easy to get stuck in the churn if all you can focus on is the choppy water.

When you’re aligned, inspiration shouldn’t be far behind. If you’re waiting too long for some sort of inspiration, it’s a sure sign you’re not as aligned as you might think you are. It may also be a sign you’re trying to align with the wrong thing.

Simply put, we often get stuck trying to manage our alignment to something too close to where we stand.

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Making friends with Monsters

Reading Time: 4 minutes The Monster that told me that I could never write because I was dyslexic. The Monster that told me that I was ugly and not wanted.  There are a plethora more, but each time one crawls or slithers out of the shadows I no longer coil myself in the fetal position under my covers. I illuminate my light on them by saying “Hello Monster, I know you!! Come on out from under the bed, you don’t need to live under there anymore.”  

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