One place where everything comes together



Self Love And Your Settling Point – Your Life is a Compilation of What You Settle For

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is an inescapable truth. You get out of life, all of it, exactly what you are willing to settle for. No more, no less. Which is why understanding your settling point is so important. It’s not hard to figure out what it is because when you look around your life, you will see evidence of it in every area.

When it comes to relationships it’s particularly easy to spot, because other people reflect it for you. Your settling point will determine how rich and fulfilling your relationships are. They will determine how other people treat you. They will determine how much joy you experience or abuse you endure.

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The Bad Bitch’s Guide to Taking Up Space

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the things I found myself doing when I first moved to New York was being incredibly deferential to people who walked with more confidence than me. I would stop to let people pass me on tight sidewalks. I would allow people to barrel past me through doorways –  sometimes holding the door for what became hoards of shoppers. I would even let people push me out of the way to get on the train first.

And – to be clear – when I say “people,” mean men.

So, this year I made a commitment to myself to take up more space. It is my incredibly passive-aggressive way of protesting Trump’s America. In my mind, I’m saying “you, white man, will go through this door after me, a black woman because I deserve as much space in this world as you do.”

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Reading Time: 3 minutes “Take the lighted path, no matter how dimly lit.” ~Simran Singh

That proverbial fork in the road – sometimes even the simplest decision can feel like a struggle when we start taking all of the many factors into consideration. Even though it would be easy to shake a magic 8-ball, or just flip a coin, sometimes we’d like to feel a little more grounded when we’re making a difficult decision, especially if there is a lot at stake. Here are some tips, pointers, encouragement and support because you may be right smack in the midst of tough decision time and it’s important to find clarity and feel confident right now.

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The Most Urgent Challenge of Self-transformation Is How One Shows Up In the Present Moment

Reading Time: 3 minutes Transformation is all about a string of present moments where we showed up different than we usually do. And when that string has more moments of the new stuff than the old patterns, we will visibly see the change and it is noticed as a successful change.

We need to fully grasp this ever-present influence and power that is always with us. The people that make it are the ones that have understood how to wield this power. No matter what happens they continue to show up at the moment that lines up with the final goal. They don’t walk away, they keep going.

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Teach girls bravery, not perfection | Reshma Saujani | TedTalk

Reading Time: < 1 minute We’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave, says Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code. Saujani has taken up the charge to socialize young girls to take risks and learn to program — two skills they need to move society forward. To truly innovate, we cannot leave behind half of our population, she says. “I need each of you to tell every young woman you know to be comfortable with imperfection.”

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