One place where everything comes together



4 Tips for Tiny Changes that Create Big Shifts When Everything Seems to Suck

Reading Time: 5 minutes When we’re in the dumps the big changes are very seductive. It can be easy to think it’s time for massive shifts and big upgrades. 

However, that’s not the way the system really works. Big changes are hard to make and they are even harder to sustain. Big changes often don’t include the kind of incremental upgrades that really create a life transformed. Big changes look really bright and shiny, but they often set us up to fail. So while I’ve been that girl that wanted to wake up tomorrow all different than I am today, I’ve learned from experience, that baby stepping it up to feeling better is a much more effective way to go. 

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How to Heal a Fractured Society

Reading Time: 8 minutes Being human, there’s always a gulf between our intentions and our actions. This is especially true when we are attempting to include, in our constitutional framework, a widely diverse set of individual beliefs, values, and cultural practices.

If that gulf is left untended, it results in fracture patterns in our society. These fissures may remain largely invisible in times of peace and prosperity, except to those who live on the wrong side of the divide. They deepen into seemingly unbridgeable chasms in times of economic and other stresses that reveal the true nature of our cultural and social landscape.

As Without, So Within.

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Stress is an Epidemic

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spirituality doesn’t mean the disappearance of hardships and challenging situations but people practicing spirituality have a unique mindset and perspective, and deal with it differently.

There is a sense of trust in life that comes with practicing these five. A trust that flows even when life doesn’t seem trustworthy, even when you don’t know how it will pan out. The greatest pain or the most ecstatic joy will be treated equally. No matter what shows up you will know everything is working out and suddenly you find yourself facing it all. Fearlessly.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Personal power doesn’t show up as power “over” other people, it shows up as power “with” other people.

And here is the best thing about personal power — it is not attached to a title, or a thing (like financial prosperity, a big salary, or a promotion), so once you’ve developed your own sense of personal power you won’t lose it because it didn’t come with the job or the title or a big financial windfall.

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News of Anthony Bourdain’s Suicide Hit Me Like a Body Blow: He Seemed to Be Living the Dream

Reading Time: 4 minutes I don’t want Bourdain’s legacy to be mainly about the manner of his death, because his life was so significant. He taught us is not to gloss over our differences, but to celebrate them. To respect them. To explore them with authenticity and openhearted curiosity. His shows were, in his words, “stand-alone essays” in which food was an important factor, but not the only, or even the main, component. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, he said, “If you don’t accept the food, you’re rejecting the people,” adding that when you show appreciation for local cuisine, “people open up.”

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Reading Time: 3 minutes When you take good care of yourself by taking full responsibility for getting your own needs met you send an energetic message to the Universe that having your needs met is important to you. This is some of the most powerful spell-work you can do!

Making magic begins with taking care of you. Begin with a deep breath. Magic always happens in the present moment, start now.

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Your City is Living Energy. You Can Make it Better

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is a lot of unrest, stress, anxiety, pain and fear going around the world. But each of these is within us too which is why they show up in the collective. Our cities and towns are a direct reflection of the people living there and even though it’s difficult to fathom, a slight change in our individual energy can pull hundreds of others up. One person can help multiple people shift which will start a chain reaction in no time.    

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