One place where everything comes together



5 Steps Towards Enlightenment When Love and Light Aren’t Cutting It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Seriously, very few things are actually worth giving a shit about. 
I know it seems like very-single-thing is code red, but trust me it’s not. Your life is probably not really on fire, so you can stop running around acting like you’re putting one out. 

Are you breathing? 
Are you currently NOT being chased by a bear?
If you answered yes to those two questions, everything is really ok right now. 

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The Power of Choice

Reading Time: 5 minutes It wasn’t until a recent serious illness and a diagnosis of having a chronic autoimmune disease that I finally woke up and understood that I was living my life on auto-pilot. I finally realized that I had been subconsciously choosing to use assumptions based on past experiences and tolerations, to build my current and future life on. I realized that I had the ability to use intelligent and thoughtful choices, powerful manifesting techniques, and my intuition to guide my life.

I finally understood. Everything I had done, everything I had tolerated all these years had been the result of choices I had made that were based on incredibly bad assumptions that I had believed as truths.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes What about emotions and feelings that are unrelenting and unable to be resolved by hearing a positive outcome? The sadness of a broken heart, the grief of losing someone we love, the fear of what could happen next?

This is where we find a gift in being able to feel our feelings fully: When we sit with them, when we are able to be curious and non-judgmental about them, when we let them expand, when we give them space to exist, and when we acknowledge them.

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Be Relentless In The Pursuit Of More

Reading Time: 2 minutes Goal setting doesn’t work because it’s are based on the innately flawed premise that you need to be different. It’s often about giving something up when chances are what you really need is more. The biggest epidemic we have as a society is chronically underfed and uninspired souls.

Listen to the whisper of your soul. It’s probably begging for more.

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When Midlife Comes Knocking

Reading Time: 2 minutes Midlife hits and opens you up. It shakes you up.  You’re ready to participate in life. You’re ready to feel. It’s scary but you’re ready to walk treading carefully. You’re not sure of the outcome but know it has to better than what you’ve been doing in the name of living.

Midlife will come knocking on your door if you’re one of the fortunate ones to be here when she arrives. 

Will you welcome her with open arms or treat her like an unwelcome guest? Without a doubt, I know my answer what’s yours?

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Let’s Talk About Lack. Because We Must.

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is easier to think we are bad, than it is to feel our own ache and the ache of the world. 
It is easier to blame ourSelves than to risk living in instability (Which, guess what? We already do, even in the best of times.).

Yet that ache can be magic.

That ache is how we untangle from the pain. That ache is how we know how to take care of ourSelves. That ache is how we know how to care for others. That ache is how we actually make things better.

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Learning to Bridge Human Difference 101 – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you walk down the street, or you are at the mall, or when you watch TV and see a black female news anchor delivering the news next to her white male counterpart, remember, she makes less than two-thirds of that white man. Not because she is not good at her job, but because of the color of her skin and her gender.

What’s worse….. You have contributed to this by not speaking up against it and by not demanding transparency about such things where you work.

What are some baby steps, right where you are, that you can take, that will begin to even the playing field?

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Blend In For What?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Blending in works when you are mixing colors but not for us humans.

We are uniquely created with awesomely rich and creative talents, that need to be put out into the world for others to benefit and enjoy. You are smart,  gorgeous and talented in a unique way. Go ahead and respond to that deep desire burning inside you that you have suppressed over the years, but without fail bubbles up to the surface from time to time. 

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