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Prevent Pets from Fleeing in Fright

Reading Time: 2 minutes Summer social gatherings and celebrations can add up to a lot of fun for humans, but it’s an equation that may test the limits for a fearful pet. The break-in day-to-day consistency and the chaos that comes with festivities can cause pets to escape in search of solace, which often times results in them leaving their loved ones behind.

“During the summer months, we tend to take a step away from our usual routines and that can be very unsettling for a pet,” said David Haworth, DVM, Ph.D., president of PetSmart Charities. “Even small barbecues and other summer events can cause distress that results in a pet fleeing for perceived safety.”

To help prevent your pet from running off, the experts from PetSmart Charities recommend these tips.

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Lisa Feldman: You Aren’t at the Mercy of Your Emotions – Your Brain Creates Them

Reading Time: < 1 minute Can you look at someone’s face and know what they’re feeling? Does everyone experience happiness, sadness and anxiety the same way? What are emotions anyway? For the past 25 years, psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett has mapped facial expressions, scanned brains and analyzed hundreds of physiology studies to understand what emotions really are. She shares the results of her exhaustive research — and explains how we may have more control over our emotions than we think.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes If we need more money we might pray and ask God or Jesus to provide what we need. We might ask “The Universe” for financial help. Maybe we make offerings to Jupiter, or Lakshmi, Ganesha, or the Black Madonnas, or Papa Legba – or a myriad of other deities/entities/energies asking for their help in these weighty matters of money.

But this, to me, sounds like something that happens in relationships that aren’t so healthy. It’s called “triangulation” and it happens when we don’t have a direct connection to someone and we use an intermediary to do that relating and connecting for us. Remember in 7th grade when your friend had a crush on that other friend and wanted you to tell them since you knew them better?

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20 low to no cost, easy to implement, no excuses, ways to up-level your self-love game right now

Reading Time: 3 minutes I was talking to a woman this morning about self-love who was legitimately confused about what that actually meant. So, I gave her my standard pep-talk about how love is a verb. When you’re not feeling it sometimes you have to DO it. Treating yourself like someone you love IS self-love. 

It was a great talk. I was impressed by it. However, she still gave me a completely blank stare when I was finished. 

When you’re paddling against the current just to keep your head above water, self-love or even self-care can feel like training for a marathon you’ll never run.

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Escaping the Unwanted Things in Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes When we ignore certain emotions or suppress the negative energies within us and at the same time attempt to use transformation tools in the hopes of making a change, it sets us up to fail. It’s an uphill, unnecessarily difficult path we pave for ourselves. It is no wonder many either don’t have the success with them or aren’t able to hold the progress in their life for too long.

Escaping the unwanted things in life by ignoring them can provide a short temporary relief and sometimes that breather helps. But it cannot be the go-to solution because sooner or later those energies will manifest back into our life and the suppression will stunt our spiritual progress.

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What Japanese Architecture Can Teach You About Life

Reading Time: < 1 minute In Asia, traditional buildings — even royal palaces or important Buddhist temples — don’t attract your attention the way that Il Duomo in Florence or the Notre Dame of Paris do, standing majestic and tall, poking the sky.

They blend into the background, aiming to harmonize with the surrounding mountain or sea, rather than overwhelm it.

What is more, they are built with the expectation that they will decay and return to dust. So you see a lot of wood, which twists and falls apart in time. The paint fades with rain and time.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re going to embrace the concept of Karma and Karmic Law, then you’ll have to be willing to understand that it plays out over lifetimes, over decades and even millennium. And every karmic debt gets paid, including yours and mine. We might not know exactly what incurred the debt, but it seems unwise to respond with an energy that will create more of the same.

Instead, why not focus on creating good Karma, the kind that heals the world. The word Karma literally means “action” and it refers to action driven by intention. And as Debasish Mridha so eloquently put it, “A glint of intention initiates the process of creation.”

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Reading Time: 7 minutes The creation process starts with an idea, a wish, a hope or a dream. That dream needs to become a solid intention. There is a much-loved quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goeth that says “At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.” As wonderful and awe-inspiring as it is to imagine the entire power of the Universe conspiring on our behalf, “commitment” is the key concept here. It is our commitment that triggers the conspiracy of support by the magical powers that be, aka “The Universe”.

We may wish for many things, but this wishing faculty of ours is generally a commitment-phobe. It’s easy to see a beautiful thing, declare that “I wish I had one of those!” and then completely forget about it a few moments later. These fleeting wishful thoughts are not of the powerfully creative variety.

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Do You Need a Miracle?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you heard the term, “the butterfly effect”? The butterfly effect is the idea that the formation of a hurricane is dependent upon whether or not a butterfly on the other side of the world flapped its wings several weeks earlier. I’ve lived through several hurricanes, and they are BIG powerful events. To think that a hurricane could be triggered by the delicate little flap of a fragile little butterfly wing thousands of miles away seems impossible, even ridiculous. But we know that those little fluttering wings have an effect, known as the butterfly effect.

Big things (miracles) begin very small most of the time.

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