One place where everything comes together



By the Light of the Moon

Reading Time: 5 minutes Each of the moon’s phases supports specific actions we can take to move towards our goals, helping us balance our health, relationships, spirituality, creativity, even our finances. For instance, the “dark moon days” just before the new moon are wonderfully supportive for self-care, pampering, and introspection. The new moon is a great time to start something new, to begin a course of learning, or launch a creative project. When the moon is full it’s a great time to socialize and celebrate.

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5 Ways to Connect with Your Heritage

Reading Time: 2 minutes Every family, regardless of origin, has a story. Learning about that history can lead to finding your own story and the powerful meaning of heritage.

From discovering your ethnicity to connecting with distant relatives, a resource like Ancestry can help people find their story in their DNA, inspiring new passions and fueling their journeys to discovery.

If you’re looking for more ways to bring your family’s story to life, consider these ideas.

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I Don’t Care About Your Happy

Reading Time: 2 minutes In all that, there will be times of big, wild happy. 
And there will be sadness. Grief. Anger. Shame. 
There will be quiet. There will be stillness. There will be peace. 
There will be expansion. Contraction. Connection. Solitude.
There will be everything and happy doesn’t even begin to cover what is possible. 

And if we go for happy, we miss out. 

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This is the Single Most Important Commitment You Can Make

Reading Time: 5 minutes The measure of our commitment to our self is written all around us in our experience.

Are we taking the time to make sure our needs are met?

Do we spend time getting to know what those needs are?

Do we nurture our souls and recognize the things that bring us joy, peace, happiness?

Do we make the effort to contribute, to reach out and connect with others to find like minds, trusting companions and collaborators?

All these things are evidence of a committed relationship – with yourself. When your needs are met you experience wholeness. There is a saying that “two halves make a whole” – mathematically this may be true, but two people each experiencing wholeness are what makes a healthy couple, one that’s worth the commitment.

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Discernment is no longer a Good Virtue but an Essential Skill

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is crucial that we learn to look beyond the obvious and consider a deeper, more subtle connection to what we see. We need to question the source of the information and think about what the words are really wanting to communicate.

How we think and feel is based on how we perceive things, its how we build our belief system and it is how we respond to situations. Whether it be a relationship, our work, or our spiritual life, how we grow and express ourselves is based on our perceptions. And using discernment helps our perceptions come closer to the truth.

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You Are Becoming Your Story

Reading Time: 4 minutes I hear stories every day about people surviving hard places. Once in a blue moon, I hear a story of someone even surviving being kidnapped. Good people, kind people, people who are strong, graceful, resourceful. People who have yet to discover the full spectrum of their own unique gifts, talents, and coping mechanisms. All sorts of people survive accidents, addictions, diseases, bankruptcy, divorce, loss of income, loss of loved ones, and all manner of devastating circumstances. It is easy to be amazed at the sheer tenacity of the human spirit that allows us to walk through a hard place and come out on the other side, triumphant. And yet, we don’t have to let these hard places define us.

Whatever “story” we are telling about ourselves will continually play itself out in our experience.

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The Affirmations of Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s the day-in day-out thoughts that form the basis for the lives we create.

One I Am statement repeated once a day can’t override hundreds of counter-thoughts throughout the day, no matter how powerful it is.

It’s worth making sure your most common thoughts aren’t holding up your manifesting party, because I suspect I’m not the only one who has a combination of well-crafted affirmations along with knee-jerk thoughts that contradict my instruction for the good life.

This is your invitation to get clear on what your top affirmations really are and replace anything that deserves an upgrade.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Nearly a hundred years ago, Ivy Lee, considered the father of modern public relations and time management, was doing some work for Charles Schwab, the head of Bethlehem Steel. Schwab wanted to make his managers more effective and help them better utilize their time.

Schwab agreed to try Ivy Lee’s ‘system’ for 90 days and then send Lee a check for what he thought the idea was worth.

Lee advised Schwab to have his managers list their top 6 priorities for the next day. Number them 1 to 6 according to how important the task was. On the next day, take the task in the priority order. Not proceeding until a task was completed. Any task not completed was put on the list for the following day. At the end of the 90 day period, Schwab sent Lee a check for $25,000.

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