One place where everything comes together



Refinery29: Intimate photos of modern-day witches across America

Reading Time: 8 minutes “I met a woman in a spiritual centre in western Massachusetts. It was summer, and there was no one there but us,” American photographer Frances F. Denny recounts. “She seemed nervous about having her picture taken. We sat cross-legged across from one another in a field and, by way of introduction, she sang me a Celtic song. I remember the sun was blinding me as I watched her, and I felt my eyes stinging. She then read to me from a document outlining the various tortures condemned ‘witches’ were subjected to during the Spanish Inquisition. When she finished reading, she put her face very close to mine and told me, quite fiercely, that she would agree to be photographed as long as I protected her – and my other subjects – from ridicule. I told her that while my intentions were to represent my subjects with dignity, I couldn’t control what people would say about the pictures. I was honest with her. She seemed to understand, and agreed to be photographed.”

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Julia Dhar – How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground

Reading Time: < 1 minute Some days, it feels like the only thing we can agree on is that we can’t agree — on anything. Drawing on her background as a world debate champion, Julia Dhar offers three techniques to reshape the way we talk to each other so we can start disagreeing productively and finding common ground — over family dinners, during work meetings and in our national conversations.

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Astrology: Leave me Alone, I’m Lonely, the Venus-Uranus dilemma – or is it?

Reading Time: 4 minutes On 30 November, two of my favourite planets take up positions across the sky from each other, with Venus at 29 degrees of Libra (her own sign – more on that in a moment) and Uranus at 29 degrees of Aries (ruled by Mars, the lover of Venus). This is their third opposition transit since early September, as they’ve danced an astrological tango through the sky, thanks to their respective retrogrades.

When planets sit across the chart from each other in a 180-degree relationship, it’s a bit like two of King Arthur’s knights sitting across the roundtable from each other. They don’t share the same point of view at all, so they each bring their own vantage point for whatever’s going on in life. But they can see each other incredibly clearly, so it’s like an opportunity for each to offer insights on the other’s area of expertise.

That makes for some potential tension, but when you know how to use it, the tension can be a potent fuel for expansion and exploration.

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Sun into Sagittarius – the Santa Claus of the zodiac

Reading Time: 4 minutes On 22 November at 4:01am Eastern Time (USA), the Sun moved into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, where he’ll be for a month, lighting up themes of expansion, wild possibility, exploration beyond the known, enthusiasm, fun, travel (literal or within the imagination), and a fiery spark of inspiration.

And the effect is multiplied on 26 November, when the Sun lines up exactly with big, expansive Jupiter – the ruler of Sagittarius and the astrological Santa Claus of the solar system.

That double whammy can feel like a surge of ‘anything is possible!’ that can have us bouncing out of our seats with new ideas, unable to sit still for more than a few minutes.

But there’s some other energy at play which can feel like it’s putting the brakes on and working against us. It’s not, but if we don’t know about it, it can feel tricky to navigate.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes The Dalai Lama has said, “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”

Unsurprisingly, this is easier said than done.

But of course, it’s also impossible to argue with the wisdom behind these words. Ideally, we would all love to maintain our cool in the face of conflict, irritation, and frustration. Yet, imagining yourself with that colleague that always seems to get under your skin isn’t exactly the recipe for inner peace.

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Thankful for Every Single Thing

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’m reminding myself daily of the Hermetic principle of rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.

I’m hopeful that the unwanted things we see unfolding on the world stage are the exact things that inspire us to rise up, do better, seek goodness, show compassion, have empathy, and be the change we want to see in the world.

So today, I’m choosing to be thankful for everything, even when I don’t understand how in the world it will ever make the list.

Because I know that somehow it eventually will.

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Not All Gratitude Feels the Same

Reading Time: 2 minutes Not all thankfulness feels the same. 
Sometimes a state of gratitude comes with a melancholy ache. 
Sometimes no matter how much you’ve got to be thankful for, you are just too weary to celebrate how tired you are. 
Sometimes you have to be thankful for something you don’t have anymore and that feels like a shadow of thankfulness. 
Sometimes you’ve lost too much not to be grateful that you’re still lucky enough to have another day.

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The Very True Story About that One Time I Caused My Puppy an Eating Disorder

Reading Time: 5 minutes The most subversive act of feminine revolution you can do is learn to love your body the way she is right now. Multibillion-dollar industries are built so predators can profit off of our self-loathing. There are better things we could be spending our money and our energy on that body shame and self-loathing.

When you commit to never saying things to yourself about your own body you wouldn’t say to your best friend, you change your relationship with your body in a powerful way – that is of course unless you would call your bestie fat, in which case you aren’t a very good best friend. And I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You can’t hate your body enough to make her thin – that’s not the way the system works. In fact, body shame will quite likely yield the opposite result. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes In today’s world, most of us are told to “do what we love,” or at least are constantly reminded of the importance of “work-life balance.” The mythology of the first seeks to remind us that we can make a living doing something pleasurable — even though we’re not all privileged enough to have this luxury. The second presumably instructs us to carve out enough time in our “lives” (separate from “work”) to pursue our passions. Both of these scenarios can be easier said than done.

As a result, many people see the the options as follows: either sacrifice steady income to follow your dreams, or stay in your current situation, feeling stuck because other options seem too risky.

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