One place where everything comes together



How to Fight Obesity the Healthy Way

Reading Time: 3 minutes Statistics suggest that three-fourths of the U.S. population will be overweight or obese by 2020, and 65 percent of people who successfully complete a fad diet will gain all the weight back that they lost. The only way to truly fight obesity is to institute safe and healthy practices that become a part of your daily life for the long term.

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Astrology: Getting the urge to make shit real? Good!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Think of this week as the point in the sea-goat journey that moves from sea to land. Concepts solidify into ideas and plans that you can begin to articulate clearly. You may not know every single detail just yet, but as you allow some things to come into focus, others are not far behind.

You’re at base camp on the beach, preparing for the mountain climb – and we know not to rush that preparation if we want the next bit to go well.

With those elements of  ‘anything is possible’ and ‘doing it MY way!’ at play, you can let them inspire the choices you make while you’re there on the beach, doing your prep for the mountain climb.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes As you’ve probably experienced, working around people who struggle to manage their emotional struggles independently can be pretty unpleasant, and even unbearable, if you happen to be on the receiving end of the negativity. But even if your boss’ criticisms are aimed at someone else, or you’re not the pessimistic colleague’s chosen confidant, you might still find yourself absorbing the negativity around you through osmosis.

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One Easy Way to Begin a Mindfulness Practice Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes The present moment is ALL we have. Sometimes it seems odd to me how we can live our lives so easily in the past and the future, and struggle so much to live right here, right now, in the present.

Especially when most (if not all) of our worries, anxieties, and fears are attached to things we’ve experienced in the past, and things we imagine might happen in the future.

And yet, by developing the habit of “being present”, the struggles connected to the past and the future seem to melt away. The uncomfortable emotions and feelings we experience become more tolerable, and sometimes even disappear entirely.

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Podcast: 3 Ways to Milk a Bad Mood and 4 Ways to Turn it Around

Reading Time: < 1 minute The bottom line about moods is we get to choose them and whether you believe that or not, it’s true. Moods aren’t random. They are the cumulative effect of our focus and that’s 100% in our control.

We are going to talk about:

My favorite ways to milk a bad mood

Why you shouldn’t ever do that

And 4 ways to turn a bad mood around on a dime.

The bottom line is you can be as happy as you want to in any given moment. You’ve simply got to make that choice and stick your landing in a feel better place.

Lisa is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is the author of the newly released hit book, Score Your Soulmate and How to Escape from Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan.

Confluence Daily is the one place where everything comes together. The one-stop for daily news for women.

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Astrology: Are you doing the whole ‘getting ready for 2019’ thang?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Regardless, as you look to 2019, you can imagine your brain and your neurology (ruled by Mercury), stretching into the vastness of possibilities you can’t even see just yet.

You could imagine your psyche like a cat stretching in a patch of sunlight, limbering up in preparation for something wonderful yet to come.

This shift in thinking, from in and down, to out and up, is a great time to leverage a little neuroplasticity (that phenomenon whereby we can literally change our physical brain – and therefore our experience of reality – by deliberately focusing our thoughts and behaviours).

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Practical Tips for Holiday Travel

Reading Time: 2 minutes Planning travel around the holidays is rarely simple. Coordinating flights or ground transportation is often just the beginning, and safely arriving at your destination may feel like a gift in its own right. This year, take heightened precautions to prepare for the unexpected and protect your health and safety with these tips.

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