One place where everything comes together



Astrology: Big dreams, ahoy!

Reading Time: 6 minutes Next week sees a fabulous ‘super blood wolf’ Full Moon. It’s a supermoon because it’s a Full Moon positioned at the moon’s closest point to earth (aka perigee), making it brighter than normal. It’s a blood moon because it’s a total lunar eclipse, which means the sunlight passing through our atmosphere appears to turn red. And the January Full Moon is also known as a Wolf Moon.

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The Importance of Ritual

Reading Time: 4 minutes While researching ritual I discovered an article in Scientific American titled Why Ritual Works. The article explains that research shows that ritual, whether religious or secular, helps alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve confidence. And now it all makes perfect sense to me, why I would have ritual on my mind so strongly right now, at this time in history.

Because the world right now seems complicated and messy, unfair, difficult, and oftentimes frightening. Anything that can alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve our confidence seems like a pretty good idea.

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Astrology: Welcome to 2019 – at last!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’ve been feeling like the New Year didn’t completely land on time, you’re right.

Yes, we’ve had all that lovely lead-up energy, support for dreaming and planning and getting clear and releasing the old.

But as you know, the stars don’t care a bean for human calendars, so it’s not surprising that sometimes, a new (Western, human) year starts when we’re mid-something-else astrologically.

This time around, the calendrical new year happened in the lead-up to a potent New Moon, just before the pre-new-moon energy of the Dark Moon – the day or two beforehand which is a time for resting, preparing, pausing.

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Grokking the Lunar Nodes

Reading Time: 6 minutes Everyone has a pair of Lunar Nodes in their natal chart – one North Node, one South – and they always sit exactly opposite each other in the chart.

That’s our first clue on how to think about these Nodes.

They come together as a set, a pair. You can’t have one without the other. And they are both important to us.

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Ten Magical Self Care Habits to Adopt in 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes Self-care is a somewhat vague term that gets recommended by life coaches and therapists and personal growth enthusiasts, and often is understood to mean massages, manicures, pedicures and the like. And while I have no issue with these things, they more accurately fall into the category of pampering. And I’m a big fan of pampering – it certainly can and should be included in a self-care regimen, however pampering alone does not a self-care regimen make.

If you hold to the hermetic, and magical, principle of “As above, so below. As within, so without.” – then self-care isn’t really an option if you want your body and mind to be healthy, your life to run smoothly, and your experiences to be magical and enjoyable. Because the Universe seems to have a predilection for reflecting our level of self-love and self-care right back at us by way of experiences and events that show up in our lives.

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HuffPo: Instagram Influencers Are All Starting To Look The Same. Here’s Why.

Reading Time: 6 minutes There’s no need to shame those who participate or find solace in conforming to the current beauty trends. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to fit in, but, as Engeln explained, when we’re constantly seeing images that are so far from what people look like in real life, there can be some psychological costs.

“It’s not just [that] you see that picture of someone else looking perfect and you feel bad,” she said. “Even for the person who posted that picture ― they have to contend with the gap between [what’s in a] picture they made of their own face and what they see in the mirror when they wake up in the morning.”

“Most of us do not wake up flawless,” she said.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes The Vietnamese Zen Monk Thich Nhat Hanh said, “We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing.”

There are perhaps few environments where this rings truer than in the work world. Ironically, though, most professionals have heard time and time again that “work/life balance” is positive, and burnout isn’t—both for health and for productivity. Yet in my work as a consultant and corporate psychologist, I find that most high-achievers are resistant to the prospect of scheduling breaks during the day.

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Astrology: Full Speed Ahead in 2019, (or is it?)

Reading Time: 4 minutes In these last few days of 2018, with Mars into Aries due to happen right on the turning point of the year, why not make the most of these two significant supporters for your future plans?

Let Jupiter’s energy fuel big daydreaming; listen to inner guidance for ideas about the path ahead.

Trust in the big dream.

Then let Saturn’s energy help move you plan out how to move forward one step at a time.

Keep their roles clear and separate.

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