One place where everything comes together



The Karmic Duty of Uplifting Collective Consciousness

Reading Time: 4 minutes In both yogic and spiritual practices, we are first and foremost told to become aware of and watch our thoughts and words. We are encouraged to actively choose which ones we focus on because what we focus on tends to manifest into our reality, it drives how we act, what we say and how we experience our everyday.

Thoughts and words (both written and spoken), have creative energy. Each time a particular thought or word is repeated it gets more strength and momentum until such time that it’s strong enough to manifest itself in the physical reality. These are living entities that are in the process of taking physical form.

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How to Say Yes to What You Want

Reading Time: 3 minutes Law of attraction teachings say our “thoughts become things.” And while I wouldn’t completely disagree, I believe there is more to it. Our thoughts become our beliefs, our beliefs become our stories, our stories create our life. The effect our storytelling has on our real-world experience is immense.

Every day, all the time, we tell stories about who we are. These stories we tell about ourselves are powerful because the way the Universe works is we tell a story over and over and then we create a world that makes it true. We will ALWAYS attract proof.

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Astrology: Weird and wonderful astro-squalls, ahoy!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Redefine what action means to you, from the perspective of a balanced and strategic thinker who isn’t bound by outmoded ideas about what action has to look like. Open up the ways in which you define action. See what happens when you bring fewer rules and more strategy to the mix, allowing in that fresh Aries dynamic.

By doing so, you’re likely to get more done, and feel better about it, than if you let the drive to action point you into a knee-jerk response where you scatter your energies all over, or find you’ve spent a whole weekend on one frustrating task that in the end you didn’t really care about anyway.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes In my work as a leadership consultant and coach to executives, I repeatedly come across individuals (and groups) who are impatient with the process of problem-solving. In their states of tunnel-vision and desire for quick results, they actually undermine their ability to reach the best possible solutions. The forgotten byproduct of hyper-focus is the fact that, when we are setting our sights on a singular thing, we can’t see anything outside of our frame of vision.

The good news is that there are ways we can proactively help our brains be creative by giving them a little siesta from time to time. These three modes of “slacking off” can counterintuitively help you cultivate more creativity—on and off the job.

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Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig

Reading Time: 6 minutes So you’ll be glad to know that the Earth Pig is a far more welcoming and open spirit, loving nothing better than to hang out with a diverse group of friends from all walks of life, probably with a delicious spread of goodies to share.

After the intensity of the last two years, 2019 is likely to feel like a welcome bit of relief, a chance to take a breath and pause and get our bearings, perhaps over a congenial cuppa or a glass of vino.

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