One place where everything comes together



The Right Time for Resolutions

Reading Time: 3 minutes The traditional advice regarding Mercury retrograde is this is NOT the time to sign contracts or buy expensive electronics. But what we sometimes don’t hear is that Mercury retrograde IS a great time to revisit, reread, revise, rewrite, rethink, research, and relax. It is a great time to plan, and then when Mercury goes direct, that is the time to act on those plans.

This is how I feel about the “New Year” (the popular one, the one that begins on January 1 – the one that arrives in THE DEAD OF WINTER) – I like to take that time to think, to plan, to brainstorm, and then when spring comes I’m ready to begin taking action to bring those plans to fruition.

I think the ancients had it right with observing a new year at the spring equinox. And this is good news for me, especially right now, since spring has arrived, and I’m finally feeling ready to rock those resolutions.

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Choose Your Own Thoughts

Reading Time: 5 minutes It really comes down to being willing to take on the responsibility of advertising to yourself.

You are far too powerful to be anything less than radiant in the world. Your power is your thoughts and your focus and you’re in charge of that. A lot of other people will knock on your door, to get inside your head, but you get to decide who you let in, and the way you do that is by thinking your own thoughts. YOU HAVE TO THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. If you don’t it’ll get done for you.

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“I just want to feel safe.”

Reading Time: 3 minutes How can I expect to feel safe (in relationship or otherwise) if I am consistently putting out a message to the Universe that safety isn’t really one of my primary concerns?

What is it you want? And how can you begin giving it to yourself?

If your desire is not showing up, these are the questions to ask yourself, because your experience is always going to match your vibration.

When what we say we want isn’t showing up, the clue is often visible in our actions. In these situations, it may very well be true that actions are speaking louder than words, at least vibrationally.

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Astrology: be careful where you point that thing (Pluto across the Nodes)

Reading Time: 6 minutes Above all, practice the same kind of love and compassion you wish for the world, directed towards your own self. You don’t have to get this bit perfect. You just have to be willing to do it as much as you can.

Our brains might be having a tricky moment, with so much change swirling around. Our spirits can help us focus that change towards love, peace, compassion and positivity.

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How to Get Lucky

Reading Time: 4 minutes In my experience, luck happens when we take more risks, show up more often, play full out, look at things from a different perspective, keep being curious, stop making conclusions, expect miracles, stay true to our authenticity, and take the initiative to be prepared when opportunity knocks.

And it doesn’t hurt to decide that you’re lucky in advance, because sometimes we just have to make our own luck.

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Beginner’s Luck and the Myth of Spiritual Momentum

Reading Time: 3 minutes A big part of the phenomenon we call “beginner’s luck” rests on the idea that there are endless possibilities in the beginner’s mind because the beginner often doesn’t know enough yet to doubt.

I’m going to stop worrying about momentum on my spiritual journey, and remind myself that I’m an aspirant, not an exemplar. Momentum is an essential concept in physics, but maybe not such a useful framework when dealing in things of the spirit.

Besides, beginner’s luck sounds like a lot more fun than struggling to maintain constant momentum. Who needs that when the possibilities are endless?

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A Dark Cloud

Reading Time: 4 minutes Dark clouds come and go. Some clouds visit for a short time, while others overstay their welcome, eventually they leave. Next time a cloud comes to visit, don’t push it away or ignore it. Get curious and allow yourself to feel the emotion the cloud brings with it. And as you feel the emotion be compassionate with yourself and remember it’s an emotion. An emotion that you can experience and learn from. No matter how you’re feeling, don’t let it take control you have the upper hand and make it known.

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