One place where everything comes together




Reading Time: 4 minutes In the past few years, I’ve realized this practice of repetitive self-flagellation isn’t really good for my wellbeing and it certainly hasn’t helped my mental health.  I have spent the majority of my time on this planet focused on what I could do better rather than what I’m already doing right. I think that’s kind of the American way. Or late capitalism, or some other lofty social concept or maybe it’s just how our brains are wired.  We use shame to motivate ourselves to do better, to be better. Always working towards some perfect iteration of human existence. One that unfortunately isn’t real, through social media would have you believe otherwise. But the fact remains, being hard on myself has only made me chronically stressed, sometimes miserable, and a lot of unhappy.

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Astrology: all is well, and all manner of things will be well

Reading Time: 6 minutes For your own life, ask yourself ‘what do I want to create over the next 24 months?’, plan out the magical and mundane steps you’ll need in order to build a solid foundation for that, and embed the plans into your life in a way that supports your capacity to commit.

Even if you’re not sure what you want to make yet, you can start to embed the habits which support a solid foundation. Think daily meditation, body movement that you like, good relationships with a team of health practitioners and checkups planned out, regular magic practice, a good to-do list management strategy.

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Permission Granted

Reading Time: 3 minutes So often we want permission to do, be or have something and when we do not get permission (or assume that we will not) we settle for something else.  We betray our own soul in an effort to keep from disappointing someone else.

There is no shame in wanting to meet someone else’s expectations. We all do it, it feels good to have someone express that they are happy with our work, or pleased with something we’ve done, or approving of some choice we’ve made. Most of us have had a desire to be acknowledged and validated practically from the time we were born.

But when we meet other people’s expectations at the expense of fulfilling our own dreams and desires we are not truly free. We can become trapped in a web of needing approval and permission.

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Astrology: time to shake up some old ideas

Reading Time: 5 minutes And it’s especially good for amping up a firestorm of intellectual rigour – in other words, not believing everything you think, whether that’s to do with your opinion of self, or the wider world of politics.

On the personal, for the next few weeks don’t be surprised if you catch sparks of new thoughts such as ‘oooh, what if I could…?’ or ‘wouldn’t it be amazing if….?’ – especially in areas which might previously have felt permanently and impossibly closed in or hopeless.

You might even notice new elements of your own identity – aka your brain’s opinion of who you are and what’s possible for you.

‘oooh, I could totally ditch this crappy job and go somewhere I’m appreciated!’
‘hey, I’m smarter than I think I am!’
‘raaooowrrr, I’m a sexy beast with an amazing body!’
‘huh, I’m way more potent than I gave myself credit for!’
The trick is to notice these sparks and fan them gently into flame.

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Fuel Up for a Busy Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes While some may say being busy is good, it’s not always good for a healthy lifestyle. With less time to prep, the thought of planning nutritious meals and snacks may feel overwhelming, but with simple changes, you can power through your hectic schedule.

This full menu of quick and easy recipes is part of the Atkins low-carb lifestyle, a long-term, healthy eating approach focused on high-fiber carbohydrates, optimal protein and healthy fats. The plan also aims to reduce levels of refined carbohydrates, added sugars and the “hidden sugar effect” – when carbohydrates convert to sugar when digested. You don’t see the sugar, but your body does.

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Astrology: time to get out the comfy pants

Reading Time: 5 minutes If things mysteriously slow down, there is nothing wrong or broken. You are doing it right.

You’re merely being offered this opportunity to reflect on that which lies beyond the known: future plans, projects you’re halfway through, new versions of yourself which are being invented even as you read these words.

Remember that if you find your projects and plans are no longer resonant, it can initially feel annoying. All that time you’ve invested, all that work you’ve done, and now you find you want a different goal!

Choose to celebrate that awareness, rather than bemoan it.

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How to Choose Your Own Adventure

Reading Time: 3 minutes We do have choices. We get to write our own story. We get to choose our own adventure! And this is the perfect time of year to get moving in a new direction, to write a new chapter.

If you’re feeling ready for something new, but feeling stuck because change feels hard, here are five ideas that will help your first steps toward making a change be a bit easier.

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Confessions of a Drama Addict

Reading Time: 4 minutes Make no mistake, drama is an addiction. It’s as simple as this, I tend to run a little cool, a little low energy, so when I’m sluggish, I can have a Dr. Pepper, a hit of drama, or I can be a rational person and take a nap. Let the record reflect I suffered from adrenal fatigue for a decade, so it doesn’t take a doctor to tell how I might tend to manage my energy deficit.

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