One place where everything comes together



More to Moon than meets the eye

Reading Time: 5 minutes Moon is the fastest moving of the planets in our astrological symbol system, moving into each sign for only 2.5 days at a time. Astrologer Joanne Wickenburg likens this to a mother quickly popping her head in the door of each child’s bedroom to check that all is well, and I like that metaphor very much. 

New and Full Moons are both very important because they each represent a turning point or change of direction in the Lunar cycle. 

But it’s actually the cycle itself which helps us understand the benefit of Moon as she travels through our charts, not just those two points in isolation. 

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Shea Depmore: Grieving for Mueller – ASMR Trump Detox ( even more applicable now that he doesn’t want to testify)

Reading Time: < 1 minute We’re long overdue for another Trump Detox. The Mueller report sort of came out… well, Barr’s non-summary-summary of the Mueller report came out… and it’s not the saving grace we were all hoping for. In this special ASMR Trump Detox, Sondra helps you grieve the loss of Mueller Time and move forward with new hope.

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Plan a Stress-Free Group Getaway

Reading Time: 2 minutes The arrival of vacation season means it’s time to stop daydreaming about that getaway and start making some travel plans.

Getting organized for a grand adventure, especially if you’ll be traveling with a group, requires some careful planning before you begin making reservations. Get started planning your dream vacation with these travel tips from the experts at Vrbo:

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Astrology: surrender with clear boundaries

Reading Time: 4 minutes There’s a school of thought which says before each of us arrives on planet Earth to live our human adventure, we’re part of a great swirling soup of pure positive energy, connected to every other spark of energy in the Universe. 

At birth, we become separate, unique, bounded by the skin-bag which keeps us physically distinct from one another, a complex biological and neurological symphony of subtle and sophisticated systems and networks. 

And so, while the journey of life is the journey of individuation and self-expression, there’s a part of us which yearns to fully surrender to the collective, to lose ourselves in deep connection. 

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Astrology: breezing through change

Reading Time: 4 minutes But Mercury isn’t just about the intellect. He’s also the trickster energy, so it’s smart to be prepared for the unexpected, in a Good Way.

If things have begun to feel like they’re loosening up, getting ready to shift, but not yet fully clear – don’t be surprised to find flashes of crystal clarity and an increased capacity to decide, seemingly coming out of left field.

And, by corollary, get ready to let new ideas replace sludgy outmoded ones.

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Is Your Story True?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Life is often unpredictable and recognizing how well we’ve done so far can help us be confident that somehow, we’ll deal with what comes our way, and we’ll probably do much better than we expect. Telling a better story now is an important part of that process.

What stories are you telling about yourself? Do those stories support who you are becoming? It might be worth stepping back and taking another look.

A new story is waiting to be told, one that will support you, empower you, and help you create a truer experience – even when things are uncertain.

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F*ck Diet Culture

Reading Time: 5 minutes I came to really understand this in myself a couple of years ago.  You see, I’d had a pretty typical relationship with my body over my lifespan, things were up and down, but I was doing ok at that point.  And then I had a health problem that no one could figure out and someone suggested that I try a really restrictive diet to help. And in my desperation to feel better, I cut out nearly every food known to humankind.  I mean, I wasn’t eating much. No grains, dairy, legumes, acidic foods (so most fruits, tea, coffee), no nuts or eggs. And I was sad, so so sad. And I lost 10 pounds. And then I realized that it wasn’t helping, so I started eating normally again a few months later and I gained 15 pounds.  I could tell that my mind was terrified that I was going to cut all those foods out again, proving to me that restriction, simply resulted in weight gain after the fact.

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How to Find Treasure in the Dark

Reading Time: 5 minutes Your deepest wound is directly connected to your life purpose.

Having your heart broken feels terrible, and your feelings are a miracle.

In fact, the woundedness you feel in any given situation can be a big key to your purpose in that moment.

Your purpose is much more about “how” you are “being” than “what” you are “doing”.

When you are being the person you were born to be, the power of that is evident in everything you are doing.

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How to Create A Magical Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you start thinking and focusing AND acting on your passions, your entire body, your mind and your spirit begins to join in and jump into this little adventure.

It’s as though these other aspects of you say to themselves “geez, she is SERIOUS about this! Ok, I’M IN!!”

Did you know that you are capable of so much more than you think?

Did you know that you have the ability to create magic?

Simply start and push past that initial fear. That fear is the ceiling between you and the next level in your life!

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Astrology: the news is good!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Saturn gives us drive and a sense of purpose, solidly based in a foundation of logistical mastery, all of which provide fuel to help us move forward and make our own unique mission real. And that’s crucial for self-actualisation, individuation, and living an authentic life.

The slightly less helpful news?

His standards and expectations have to be high, because we need that strong internal ambitio

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