One place where everything comes together



Astrology: Embrace the Weird

Reading Time: 6 minutes Pluto-Saturn convergence invites us to build a solid foundation for whatever we want to create, over the next 18 months. The influence is both personal and societal, and anything flimsy or superficial is unlikely to sustain. Now’s the time to start putting some robust underpinnings in place, but no need to rush it as this cycle runs through to December 2020.

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Being a Mom: The Superpower I Never Wanted

Reading Time: 2 minutes I never wanted these superpowers — I always thought being supermom meant getting everything done on time with a clean house. Instead, it’s knowing that my son is tired by the sound of his voice, or that my infant is teetering on the edge of doing something bold just in time for me to intervene. It looks like opening my eyes most mornings crying at the weight of what I’ll face that day — even when it’s a simple summer day.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes When things are happening to you, and you don’t like it, chances are pretty high it’s because you put things in neutral and hoped you could stay under your own radar.

Basically, you get a choice. When things aren’t working, when we’ve grown out of the space we’re in, when change is on the horizon or the very next exit, either you do the change, or the change will do you. The latter of those two options usually sucks more. Choosing your change is always a better option.

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Podcast – Sarah Normandin: You’re not that special. Everyone is a mess.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

So I can safely say, that I’ve figured out some ways to manage perfectionism.  Through trial and a whole lot of error, I think I have a handle on it most days.  Even though perfectionism and anxiety can feel overwhelming, they don’t have to be forever and they don’t have to be your undoing.  Because realizing that you’re already undone can be the beginning of getting your act together or at least being ok with not having your act together.

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Why is it important to include CBD in Health and Wellness Routine

Reading Time: 5 minutes CBD continues to show great promise in the world of health and wellness. With so many different applications – including promoting better sleep, improving skin health, alleviating anxiety, and combating pain – CBD certainly has a bona fide place in this sphere. And with a variety of different modes of application and consumption, CBD can be implemented according to each individual user’s comfort level.

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This Magical Idea Will Make You Rethink Your Morning Routine

Reading Time: 4 minutes Here’s the simple recipe:  Each day as you find yourself in the mirror, in a place of privacy, – such as your normal morning routine (brushing teeth, washing, shaving, applying makeup, etc.) – give yourself a quick pep talk, with the same love and care that you would give to a child going off to their first day at a new school.

Look into your own eyes. Tell yourself you love yourself.

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