One place where everything comes together




Reading Time: 5 minutes Everyone gets excited about a Solstice (and they’re right to do so), but for me there’s something extra special about an Equinox.

Derived from the Latin for ‘equal night’, the Equinox is the moment when Earth sits perfectly balanced on its axis – not ‘leaning’ one way or the other, but at the exact correct angle so that the Sun moves directly overhead along the Equator.

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I don’t expect you not to be fatphobic

Reading Time: 4 minutes I don’t expect you to not be fat phobic. That would be ridiculous. Because we live in a world where it is pervasive and it is woven into the fabric of our existence. It is in my being too. There are moments, still, when I think that that being thin would be THE ANSWER. I don’t pretend otherwise. But I know that line of thinking is a lie. I know that there are places within me that have learned to embody the Self-hatred as a survival and protective mechanism.

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Find Some Time for Yourself

Reading Time: 2 minutes Between hectic schedules, ever-growing to-do lists and caring for others, it can be easy to put self-care on the backburner. Committing to a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, exercising regularly and unplugging from your devices can help keep you healthy, both mentally and physically.

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We’re not meant to do this life thing by ourselves.

Reading Time: 4 minutes We learn and grow and evolve. I had a boss who told everybody every day to keep the faith. He signed every email that way. He ended every phone call that way. Even through terrible tragedy, he kept it up.

None of us have all of the answers. When any of us are navigating some chaos, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I’m not going to lie: I’ve been there fairly often in my life. Way more so than I’d have liked.

Yet my life iterates too. It iterates as much as my connections do.

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Some people are going to fight the fight in different ways. Not everyone’s going to agree with my path. I’m sticking to empathy

Reading Time: 5 minutes There is a lot of the really god-awful to fight. Persistent oppression and white supremacy need strong words and tough, real action. We have a growing oligarchy and an eroding democracy. The damage path spreads by the hour.

My point is that we all have to find our own way to fight. We all have to find our own resonance. Our own voice

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3 Unexpected Ways to Up-level Your Life Creation Game

Reading Time: 4 minutes Entitlement is way more powerful fuel for deliberate creation than worthiness can ever be. If you’re trying to win a worthiness game your basically assuming you aren’t good enough until you do more. You have to earn your way into heaven or your dream job. That is not the way the system works and some people already know that. They are the ones that seem spoiled or super-fucking lucky.

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