One place where everything comes together



Astrology: Embrace the Weird

Reading Time: 6 minutes Pluto-Saturn convergence invites us to build a solid foundation for whatever we want to create, over the next 18 months. The influence is both personal and societal, and anything flimsy or superficial is unlikely to sustain. Now’s the time to start putting some robust underpinnings in place, but no need to rush it as this cycle runs through to December 2020.

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More to Moon than meets the eye

Reading Time: 5 minutes Moon is the fastest moving of the planets in our astrological symbol system, moving into each sign for only 2.5 days at a time. Astrologer Joanne Wickenburg likens this to a mother quickly popping her head in the door of each child’s bedroom to check that all is well, and I like that metaphor very much. 

New and Full Moons are both very important because they each represent a turning point or change of direction in the Lunar cycle. 

But it’s actually the cycle itself which helps us understand the benefit of Moon as she travels through our charts, not just those two points in isolation. 

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Astrology: surrender with clear boundaries

Reading Time: 4 minutes There’s a school of thought which says before each of us arrives on planet Earth to live our human adventure, we’re part of a great swirling soup of pure positive energy, connected to every other spark of energy in the Universe. 

At birth, we become separate, unique, bounded by the skin-bag which keeps us physically distinct from one another, a complex biological and neurological symphony of subtle and sophisticated systems and networks. 

And so, while the journey of life is the journey of individuation and self-expression, there’s a part of us which yearns to fully surrender to the collective, to lose ourselves in deep connection. 

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