One place where everything comes together



Astrology: Getting the urge to make shit real? Good!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Think of this week as the point in the sea-goat journey that moves from sea to land. Concepts solidify into ideas and plans that you can begin to articulate clearly. You may not know every single detail just yet, but as you allow some things to come into focus, others are not far behind.

You’re at base camp on the beach, preparing for the mountain climb – and we know not to rush that preparation if we want the next bit to go well.

With those elements of  ‘anything is possible’ and ‘doing it MY way!’ at play, you can let them inspire the choices you make while you’re there on the beach, doing your prep for the mountain climb.

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Astrology: Are you doing the whole ‘getting ready for 2019’ thang?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Regardless, as you look to 2019, you can imagine your brain and your neurology (ruled by Mercury), stretching into the vastness of possibilities you can’t even see just yet.

You could imagine your psyche like a cat stretching in a patch of sunlight, limbering up in preparation for something wonderful yet to come.

This shift in thinking, from in and down, to out and up, is a great time to leverage a little neuroplasticity (that phenomenon whereby we can literally change our physical brain – and therefore our experience of reality – by deliberately focusing our thoughts and behaviours).

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Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius – standby for liftoff!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve begun to feel the pull of Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius, that urge for expansion and exploration tugging us forward to bright new possibilities.

And right now as I type this piece, I know it might not feel much like that at all.

That’s partly because of good ol’ Mercury Retrograde still at play, with the whole review, rethink, reassess mojo. (You have been doing that stuff, right? Cuz you won’t want to bring too much baggage along for the next phase of energy!)

But it’s not only that. Right now it’s also because we’re experiencing a Dark Moon in deep-dive Scorpio, where things tend to be Profound and Important and Highly Significant. In this Pluto-ruled sign, words seem to need more capitalization than usual. Nothing is trivial or surface, and it can feel very Serious and Weighty and Significant.

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Astrology: Leave me Alone, I’m Lonely, the Venus-Uranus dilemma – or is it?

Reading Time: 4 minutes On 30 November, two of my favourite planets take up positions across the sky from each other, with Venus at 29 degrees of Libra (her own sign – more on that in a moment) and Uranus at 29 degrees of Aries (ruled by Mars, the lover of Venus). This is their third opposition transit since early September, as they’ve danced an astrological tango through the sky, thanks to their respective retrogrades.

When planets sit across the chart from each other in a 180-degree relationship, it’s a bit like two of King Arthur’s knights sitting across the roundtable from each other. They don’t share the same point of view at all, so they each bring their own vantage point for whatever’s going on in life. But they can see each other incredibly clearly, so it’s like an opportunity for each to offer insights on the other’s area of expertise.

That makes for some potential tension, but when you know how to use it, the tension can be a potent fuel for expansion and exploration.

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Sun into Sagittarius – the Santa Claus of the zodiac

Reading Time: 4 minutes On 22 November at 4:01am Eastern Time (USA), the Sun moved into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, where he’ll be for a month, lighting up themes of expansion, wild possibility, exploration beyond the known, enthusiasm, fun, travel (literal or within the imagination), and a fiery spark of inspiration.

And the effect is multiplied on 26 November, when the Sun lines up exactly with big, expansive Jupiter – the ruler of Sagittarius and the astrological Santa Claus of the solar system.

That double whammy can feel like a surge of ‘anything is possible!’ that can have us bouncing out of our seats with new ideas, unable to sit still for more than a few minutes.

But there’s some other energy at play which can feel like it’s putting the brakes on and working against us. It’s not, but if we don’t know about it, it can feel tricky to navigate.

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