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Astrology: Weird and wonderful astro-squalls, ahoy!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Redefine what action means to you, from the perspective of a balanced and strategic thinker who isn’t bound by outmoded ideas about what action has to look like. Open up the ways in which you define action. See what happens when you bring fewer rules and more strategy to the mix, allowing in that fresh Aries dynamic.

By doing so, you’re likely to get more done, and feel better about it, than if you let the drive to action point you into a knee-jerk response where you scatter your energies all over, or find you’ve spent a whole weekend on one frustrating task that in the end you didn’t really care about anyway.

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Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig

Reading Time: 6 minutes So you’ll be glad to know that the Earth Pig is a far more welcoming and open spirit, loving nothing better than to hang out with a diverse group of friends from all walks of life, probably with a delicious spread of goodies to share.

After the intensity of the last two years, 2019 is likely to feel like a welcome bit of relief, a chance to take a breath and pause and get our bearings, perhaps over a congenial cuppa or a glass of vino.

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Super blood wolf moon Eclipse – AAAOOOOOOWWHHH!!!

Reading Time: 5 minutes We have a busy astro week this week, including a gorgeous Full Moon Eclipse in Leo (exact times below). And with all the major planets in forward motion, not a Retrograde to be seen, there’s a definite surge of forward momentum at play.

Which is fantastic in these last two weeks before we plunge into the Chinese New Year of the Pig, known for its favourable outlook on prosperity, good luck, and happiness.

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Astrology: Big dreams, ahoy!

Reading Time: 6 minutes Next week sees a fabulous ‘super blood wolf’ Full Moon. It’s a supermoon because it’s a Full Moon positioned at the moon’s closest point to earth (aka perigee), making it brighter than normal. It’s a blood moon because it’s a total lunar eclipse, which means the sunlight passing through our atmosphere appears to turn red. And the January Full Moon is also known as a Wolf Moon.

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Astrology: Welcome to 2019 – at last!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’ve been feeling like the New Year didn’t completely land on time, you’re right.

Yes, we’ve had all that lovely lead-up energy, support for dreaming and planning and getting clear and releasing the old.

But as you know, the stars don’t care a bean for human calendars, so it’s not surprising that sometimes, a new (Western, human) year starts when we’re mid-something-else astrologically.

This time around, the calendrical new year happened in the lead-up to a potent New Moon, just before the pre-new-moon energy of the Dark Moon – the day or two beforehand which is a time for resting, preparing, pausing.

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Grokking the Lunar Nodes

Reading Time: 6 minutes Everyone has a pair of Lunar Nodes in their natal chart – one North Node, one South – and they always sit exactly opposite each other in the chart.

That’s our first clue on how to think about these Nodes.

They come together as a set, a pair. You can’t have one without the other. And they are both important to us.

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Astrology: Full Speed Ahead in 2019, (or is it?)

Reading Time: 4 minutes In these last few days of 2018, with Mars into Aries due to happen right on the turning point of the year, why not make the most of these two significant supporters for your future plans?

Let Jupiter’s energy fuel big daydreaming; listen to inner guidance for ideas about the path ahead.

Trust in the big dream.

Then let Saturn’s energy help move you plan out how to move forward one step at a time.

Keep their roles clear and separate.

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