One place where everything comes together



The Beauty of Boredom

Reading Time: 4 minutes It takes a lot of energy to push against inertia. There’s enough spoons. Give a reference for that to get your locomotive moving. A locomotive, a big steam locomotive can be held in place, despite all its power by one small block of wood placed on the track. Once it gets moving, that block of wood would be smashed to smithereens.

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The Life Transforming Magic Of The Perfect Day Exercise

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve ever worked with a coach or read a self-help book, you’ve probably heard of the perfect day exercise. You know, you’re supposed to write a description of what a perfect day would be. It is intended to give you clarity about what you want and inspire you to make appropriate changes to get there.

The first time I did it, in coach training, I felt like the purpose of the exercise was to remind me how much my life sucked and how far I was from having anything I wanted.

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