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Budget-Friendly Ways to Stay in Shape as a Busy Single Parent

Reading Time: 3 minutes Believe it or not, it is possible to stay fit and healthy on a budget, even if you have very spare little time on your hands. For example, swinging by one-stop retailers such as Target can help save you time as well as money, whether you’re shopping for healthy foods or gear to help you make the most of your exercise or yoga routine. To take those savings one step further, you can use a Target coupon code for your purchases; find out more by clicking here.

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Summer Wine Savvy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Rosé slushies. Spiked seltzers. Boozy ice pops. Has young adults’ quest for the next party gimmick led to soulless substitutes for real, quality wines?

It’s not hard to find wines with well-balanced natural flavors, according to Leslie Sbrocco, author of “The Simple and Savvy Wine Guide.” She recommends looking for wine from different international regions, like Wines of Sicily, which guarantee value and quality, and are made from more than 400 wineries across the island.

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Being Human Guide: How to Sit with It

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Sit with it. That phrase shows up in the self-help vernacular a lot these days. But what does that mean? More importantly, how do you do it? It sounds kind of impossible, especially when something is really stuck in your craw. It’s like when someone tells you to let it go and you feel like saying, if I could let it go then it wouldn’t be a problem, would it? Sitting with it implies not taking action, not changing a situation, not working it out. This seems particularly challenging for those of us who are used to making an effort, who engage with life by doing something about it. Sitting with it sounds uncomfortable, victim-y even. Like maybe I just have to take this. But to me, sitting with it may mean that instead of running away from whatever’s after us, we’re hanging around. It means we can take a good hard look at what’s going on for us that makes us want to escape and the information we find may be priceless.

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