One place where everything comes together

Author: Confluence


The Life Transforming Magic Of The Perfect Day Exercise

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve ever worked with a coach or read a self-help book, you’ve probably heard of the perfect day exercise. You know, you’re supposed to write a description of what a perfect day would be. It is intended to give you clarity about what you want and inspire you to make appropriate changes to get there.

The first time I did it, in coach training, I felt like the purpose of the exercise was to remind me how much my life sucked and how far I was from having anything I wanted.

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A Sermon for Sovereign Women

Reading Time: 6 minutes The #metoo movement can only wield so much power. It can only take us so far, and I suspect it’s already done its job. We found each other there. We realized we weren’t alone in our shame or suffering. The movement was also a turning point for men. Maybe we’ve educated some men about the misuse of power. However, men can’t liberate us.

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Ten Life Skills Never Taught But Totally Essential to Happiness

Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to creating a successful life, there are a variety of skills we’re told that are important to master, like:

time and money management
interpersonal and communication skills, etc.
Certainly, those are very helpful abilities in navigating our way well through life.

But there are a handful of other competencies that are even more important to happy living.

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