April is National Poetry Month – You are More than Just Beautiful, By Rupi Kaur
Reading Time: < 1 minute I want to apologize to all the women
I have called pretty
before I’ve called them intelligent or brave.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I want to apologize to all the women
I have called pretty
before I’ve called them intelligent or brave.
Reading Time: 6 minutes I have to believe the majority of white people do not understand the relationship between privilege and the police. How can they? You can only see the world through your own eyes. If you’re not trying to understand another person’s experience, as in really making an effort, you won’t. And white people don’t like to talk about things like implicit bias and privilege.
However, when those Starbucks employees picked up the phone and 911 to report two black men loitering, they were legitimately putting the lives of those two black men at risk. Additionally, they were putting lives of everyone else in the store at risk.
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Let’s try something different. Let us try the communal concept of accountability and believing that Starbucks has not yet evolved into her highest expression of herself. Let us recognize our own responsibility as a community to hold her up to a higher standard and remind her of who she really is Let us be witnesses to her that she is capable of being better.
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. How Veteran Fighter Pilot Tammie Jo Shults Saved
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutes The non-essentials are what makes life worth living.
Doing the non-essential provides fuel. Doing things that are important to you, but not necessary makes doing the critical tasks feel less like work.
Without the beauty of the non-essential life starts to look and feel very black and white. It loses its juiciness, and without that juice, you lose inspiration, and without inspiration, energy starts running low fast.
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute Russian meddling is the biggest attack on our democracy since 9-11. Here’s how it works and what we can do about it.
Read MoreReading Time: 2 minutes Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know. McConnell shuts down bipartisan effort to protect special
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes Let’s face it… no one deserves to be disrespected by another person. But unfortunately, it does happen and when it does, we need to be smart. If we’re not, there’s a good chance we’ll forever be the perfect targets of more bully behavior.
Read MoreReading Time: 7 minutes Whom do you render invisible?
How are you getting your education about people who do not look like you or who you view as part of a blurred whole?
Do you expect marginalized people to educate you about themselves, their communities and their lives?
Do you sense the power differential in that demand?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Personally, I do not want to become half of some amalgamated union. I want to feel desire and devotion for my beloved. Not obligation and or responsibility. That said, I cannot desire him, if I honestly see him as an extension of myself. A relationship is bigger when two people bring their whole selves to it and breath fresh air through, when the space they take up forces the relationship to expand. Relationships do not feed themselves.
People need their own time, hobbies, friends, and money. They need to flourish and grow alone so the relationship itself doesn’t stagnate. I believe one of the most accurate measurements of a healthy relationship is how much two people encourage each other to grow individually. Yes, that takes courage, but the pay off personally is huge, so it’s both altruistic and selfish at the same time.
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