One place where everything comes together

Author: Confluence


Where Would You Be Hiding If You Were Melania Trump?

Reading Time: 4 minutes I can’t imagine how miserable Melania Trump is right now. Even Michelle Obama referred to living in the White House as being in a very nice prison. However, Michelle Obama was there because she loved her husband. There was a strong sense they made decisions about their lives together and there were in it together with all of us. Melania isn’t in this with anyone. She’s in that prison alone and it’s probably a nightmare.

Which is exactly how many of us feel right now.
This has to be a nightmare and we just want to wake up. But we can’t, and neither can Melania.

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Is Your Sunscreen Safe? And Does It Even Work?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The problem with that is your skin is one of the most absorbent organs on your body. So, the lotions and skincare products you apply to your body go pretty much directly into your bloodstream. These sunscreens contain ingredients that most of us would never dream of eating in our food (and the FDA would never allow it), yet somehow it seems okay to put them on our bodies.

A huge percentage of mainstream sunscreens contain oxybenzone, a chemical that can act as a hormone disruptor, causing things like reproductive and developmental toxicity, thyroid problems and other hormonal havoc. (Who needs more problems with their hormones?!) Additionally, as mentioned above, this chemical is now known to damage coral reefs.

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What To Do When Your Parenting Views Are Different From Your Friends’

Reading Time: 3 minutes As we know, reality can change. What we believe today is what influences our future reality and what we encourage kids to believe today will influence  their future reality.

Reminding ourselves every day what we  want to believe about kids and then looking for reasons to believe it is the best way I know of to maintain focus when the chatter around us gets loud.

Look at it this way… even if the adults don’t agree, it’s really the kids whose buy-in matters most anyway. 

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Culture Confusion, Masculinity, and the #Metoo Movement

Reading Time: 5 minutes To face your humanity means to come in contact with your own frailty and failure. It means to accept that you are broken and that you have tender places. It means to accept that you do not have all the answers. And you do not have to.

You see, precious reader, violence always begets violence. I think, as a community, we are also responsible for putting men on this pedestal that they are supposed to live up to. And they can’t. They are just human. It is violent to ask a person to be more than human.

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Kim Kardashian West Takes a Stand on Something That Matters and the Internet Goes Insane

Reading Time: 4 minutes Here’s the thing: It’s not a theory, it’s a fact. Black people and White people in the U.S. are not sentenced the same for similar crimes, especially when it comes to drug-related offenses. There is no one more vulnerable to the criminal justice system than a black woman without resources.

Alice Johnson’s story isn’t about prison reform. It’s about sentencing reform and it’s long overdue. The fact that it took a meeting of the likes of Kim Kardashian West and Donald Trump to put this story in the media headlines is a clear demonstration of how far we have to go when it comes to even an awareness about sentencing inequity let alone reform.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes When you take good care of yourself by taking full responsibility for getting your own needs met you send an energetic message to the Universe that having your needs met is important to you. This is some of the most powerful spell-work you can do!

Making magic begins with taking care of you. Begin with a deep breath. Magic always happens in the present moment, start now.

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