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If Project 2025 Keeps You Up At Night, Agenda 47 Should Give You Nightmares

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

By:  Lisa M. Hayes

As political discourse heats up ahead of the 2024 election, progressive voters and political analysts alike are sounding alarms over the potential consequences of conservative initiatives like Project 2025. Spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 aims to ensure a seamless transition and effective governance for a future conservative administration. However, a deeper dive into the details of Agenda 47, as outlined by former President Donald Trump, presents an even more daunting prospect for those concerned about the future of American democracy.

Understanding Project 2025

Project 2025 is a comprehensive conservative agenda designed to prepare for the next Republican presidency. This initiative includes detailed policy recommendations across various sectors, from national security and foreign policy to economic reform and social issues. Its goal is to implement a conservative vision swiftly and effectively, ensuring that every aspect of the federal government aligns with right-wing principles​ (Project2025)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

While Project 2025 is already causing significant concern among progressives, it is only a precursor to the more radical and ambitious Agenda 47. Launched by Donald Trump, Agenda 47 outlines a far-reaching plan that aims to reshape America in a way that could fundamentally alter its democratic fabric.

What is Agenda 47?

Agenda 47 is a sweeping political agenda put forth by Donald Trump, detailing his vision for America’s future. Unlike Project 2025, which is more of a conservative think tank’s blueprint, Agenda 47 comes directly from Trump and encapsulates his most extreme policy proposals. If Project 2025 is a cause for concern, Agenda 47 is a full-blown alarm bell for anyone worried about the direction of American politics.

Here are the core elements of Agenda 47 and why they should alarm anyone already anxious about Project 2025:

  1. Expansion of Executive Power: One of the central tenets of Agenda 47 is the dramatic expansion of executive power. Trump’s plan includes restructuring federal agencies to increase presidential control, reducing checks and balances that are crucial for a healthy democracy. This consolidation of power threatens the foundational principle of separation of powers, making it easier for the executive branch to act unilaterally without legislative or judicial oversight​ (Project2025)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

  2. Curtailment of Civil Liberties: Agenda 47 includes measures that would severely restrict civil liberties. This includes proposals to expand surveillance on American citizens, implement stricter controls on free speech, and undermine the rights of protestors. Such measures are reminiscent of authoritarian regimes and represent a significant departure from the democratic values of freedom and individual rights​ (Project2025)​​ (Media Matters)​.

  3. Immigration and Border Control: Trump’s immigration policies under Agenda 47 are even more stringent than those seen during his previous administration. The agenda calls for the completion of the border wall, increased deportations, and more aggressive actions against undocumented immigrants. These policies would exacerbate humanitarian crises and further strain America’s relationship with its neighbors​ (The Heritage Foundation)​ .

  4. Economic Nationalism: Agenda 47 advocates for a form of economic nationalism that includes renegotiating trade deals, imposing tariffs, and prioritizing American businesses over international cooperation. While this may appeal to certain voter bases, it risks isolating the U.S. economically and sparking trade wars that could harm the global economy .

  5. Erosion of LGBTQ and Reproductive Rights: The agenda outlines plans to further restrict LGBTQ rights and roll back protections for reproductive health. This includes supporting state-level legislation that discriminates against transgender individuals and further limiting access to abortion services. These actions would erode decades of progress in civil rights and gender equality .

Why Agenda 47 is More Dangerous

  1. Trump’s Proven Ability to Mobilize and Govern: Donald Trump has already demonstrated his ability to mobilize a significant portion of the electorate and implement his policies effectively during his first term. His presidency saw substantial shifts in U.S. policy, from tax cuts to deregulatory actions and immigration crackdowns. Given his established base of support and experience in navigating the political landscape, Trump is uniquely positioned to implement Agenda 47 effectively if he returns to power .

  2. A More Radical Agenda: Agenda 47 represents a more radical vision than Trump’s previous platform. It is not just a continuation of his earlier policies but an expansion into more extreme territory. The measures proposed in Agenda 47, such as the dramatic increase in executive power and severe restrictions on civil liberties, signal a move towards a more authoritarian governance style that could have long-lasting impacts on American democracy .

  3. Control Over Federal Agencies: One of the most concerning aspects of Agenda 47 is the proposed restructuring of federal agencies to enhance presidential control. This would involve purging federal agencies of individuals perceived as disloyal and replacing them with loyalists. Such actions would undermine the independence of federal institutions and transform them into tools of executive power, severely compromising their ability to function impartially .

  4. Judicial Appointments and the Supreme Court: With potential opportunities to appoint more conservative judges and possibly Supreme Court justices, Trump could reshape the judiciary to align more closely with his agenda. This would ensure that the judicial branch supports and upholds the policies outlined in Agenda 47, further eroding checks and balances .

  5. Economic and Social Impact: The economic nationalism and social conservatism embedded in Agenda 47 would have profound impacts on various aspects of American life. The potential for increased trade tensions, economic isolation, and social division is high, which could lead to a less stable and more divided country .

Implications for Democracy

The implementation of Agenda 47 would likely lead to a significant erosion of democratic norms and institutions in the United States. The consolidation of executive power, curtailment of civil liberties, and aggressive nationalist policies collectively pose a threat to the principles of democratic governance. The potential for increased political violence, heightened polarization, and the marginalization of minority groups would create a more divided and unstable society.

For those already concerned about the implications of Project 2025, Agenda 47 represents an even greater challenge. It underscores the importance of political vigilance, active civic engagement, and the need for robust opposition to policies that threaten democratic values.


While Project 2025 presents significant concerns for the future of American democracy, Agenda 47 elevates these concerns to a new level of urgency. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for voters to stay informed, engage in meaningful dialogue, and advocate for policies that uphold democratic principles and protect civil liberties.


  1. The Heritage Foundation – Project 2025: Preparing for Conservative Governance
  2. The Atlantic – Biden’s Centrist Approach: A Double-Edged Sword
  3. Reuters – Trump’s Agenda 47: A Radical Departure
  4. Politico – Trump’s Vision for America: Agenda 47
  5. NPR – Agenda 47: What It Means for America
  6. The Guardian – Authoritarian Overtones in Agenda 47
  7. CNN – The Impact of Agenda 47 on Civil Liberties
  8. BBC News – Economic Nationalism in Trump’s Agenda 47
  9. Al Jazeera – Agenda 47’s Immigration Policies
  10. Haaretz – LGBTQ and Reproductive Rights Under Agenda 


Lisa M. Hayes is also the editor and chief of Confluence Daily.

Lisa is also an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is also the founder of The Coaching Guild where the world’s best coaches are trained. 


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