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The Democratic Party’s Great Gaslighting: Biden or Bust

Reading Time: 6 minutes

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By:  Lisa M. Hayes

As the 2024 presidential election looms, the Democratic Party faces an uphill battle: convincing a disillusioned and skeptical liberal base to rally behind President Joe Biden. For many left-leaning voters, the prospect of another Biden term feels like being bullied into submission, forced to support a candidate they view as a “genocidal geriatric relic.” This sentiment captures the frustration and despair of a voter base that feels perpetually gaslighted by a party that promises progressive change but often delivers centrist policies that align more closely with Republican ideals.

The Soul-Sucking Reality of “Biden or Bust”

From the outset, Biden’s presidency has been marked by a profound disconnect between the aspirations of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and the centrist policies he has implemented. For many liberal voters, the 2020 election was a compromise—a choice between the lesser of two evils. Now, as the 2024 election approaches, the narrative of “Biden or Bust” is being pushed harder than ever, creating a sense of coercion among voters who feel their voices are being silenced and their demands for meaningful change ignored.

  1. Bullying and Coercion: The Democratic Party has consistently employed a strategy of fear to mobilize its base, warning of the catastrophic consequences of a Republican victory. This tactic, while effective in the short term, has led to long-term disillusionment among voters who feel they are being manipulated rather than genuinely represented. The pressure to support Biden, despite his numerous failings, is seen as a form of political bullying that erodes trust in the party.

  2. The Genocidal Geriatric Relic: Biden’s age and health have been a constant source of concern and mockery. However, the more pressing issue for many left-leaning voters is his policy record. From his support of military interventions to his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and immigration policies, Biden is viewed by some as complicit in actions that have led to widespread suffering and loss of life. This perception has fueled the narrative of Biden as a “genocidal geriatric relic”—a harsh but telling reflection of the deep-seated frustrations within the party.

Biden: The Best Republican President in Decades

Despite running as a Democrat, Biden’s presidency has often been characterized by policies and actions that align more closely with traditional Republican values. This incongruity has further alienated progressive voters, who feel betrayed by a leader who campaigned on promises of transformative change but has largely maintained the status quo.

  1. Corporate Interests and Tax Policies: Biden’s administration has been criticized for its close ties to corporate interests and its reluctance to implement significant tax reforms. His reluctance to push for a wealth tax or significant increases in corporate taxes has been seen as a capitulation to Republican economic principles, prioritizing the interests of the wealthy and corporations over those of ordinary citizens​ (Project2025)​.

  2. Military and Foreign Policy: Biden’s continuation of military interventions and his handling of foreign policy have drawn comparisons to Republican predecessors. His administration’s unwavering support for Israel, despite ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians, has been a major point of contention. The U.S. continues to provide substantial military aid to Israel, which many argue enables the ongoing conflict and suffering in Palestine​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Project2025)​.

  3. Healthcare and Social Services: Despite campaigning on a platform that included expanding healthcare access, Biden has been criticized for his administration’s tepid approach to healthcare reform. The failure to pursue Medicare for All or significant expansions of the Affordable Care Act has been a major disappointment for voters who see healthcare as a fundamental human right​ (Media Matters)​.

  4. Erosion of LGBTQ Rights: Under Biden’s watch, there has been a noticeable erosion of LGBTQ rights, particularly in the face of state-level legislation targeting transgender individuals. While Biden has made some gestures of support, his administration has been criticized for not taking stronger actions to counteract these discriminatory laws and protect LGBTQ individuals from systemic discrimination and violence​ (The Heritage Foundation)​.

  5. The End of Roe v. Wade: One of the most significant setbacks during Biden’s presidency has been the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, effectively ending federal protections for abortion rights. Critics argue that Biden and the Democratic Party failed to take adequate steps to protect these rights, such as codifying Roe into law when they had the majority. This failure has had profound implications for reproductive rights across the country .

  6. Failure to Restrain the Supreme Court: Biden’s presidency has also been marked by a failure to address the increasingly conservative tilt of the Supreme Court. Despite calls from progressives to expand the court or implement reforms to ensure a more balanced judiciary, Biden has largely avoided taking decisive action. This inaction has allowed the court to make significant decisions that roll back progressive gains and reshape American law in a more conservative direction .

  7. Immigration and Border Policies: Biden has continued some of the controversial immigration policies initiated under Trump, including the construction of the border wall and the detention of migrant children. In fact, there have been instances where the number of children held in detention facilities under Biden has surpassed those during Trump’s tenure. These policies have been heavily criticized for their humanitarian impact and for perpetuating a harsh approach to immigration that many hoped would change under a Democratic administration .

Biden’s Support for Israel and Its Implications

Biden’s unwavering support for Israel, despite ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians, has been a significant point of contention. The U.S. continues to provide substantial military aid to Israel, amounting to billions of dollars annually. This aid is seen by many as enabling the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and the West Bank, which have been described by numerous human rights organizations as violations of international law.

  1. Military Aid and Human Rights Violations: The Biden administration has continued the longstanding U.S. policy of providing military aid to Israel. This support has been critiqued for its role in perpetuating the conflict and enabling actions that result in significant Palestinian casualties and suffering. For instance, during the May 2021 conflict, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, including children, and the destruction of infrastructure. Despite these actions, Biden’s administration reaffirmed its commitment to Israel’s security, highlighting a stark disconnect between U.S. foreign policy and human rights advocacy .

  2. Crossing “Red Lines”: Biden has repeatedly stated that certain actions by Israel would cross “red lines,” yet has failed to take substantial action when these lines are crossed. For example, the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank has been condemned by international bodies and is considered illegal under international law. Despite this, the U.S. response under Biden has been largely rhetorical, with little tangible consequence for Israel’s actions .

  3. Impact on U.S. Standing: The unwavering support for Israel, despite these ongoing issues, has damaged the U.S.’s standing in the international community, particularly in the Middle East. It undermines America’s ability to act as a neutral arbiter in peace negotiations and weakens its credibility on human rights issues. This stance also alienates progressive voters who see these policies as contradictory to the values the Democratic Party purports to uphold.

Laying the Groundwork for Project 2025

One of the most concerning aspects of Biden’s presidency for progressive voters is how his centrist policies may be laying the groundwork for a potential conservative resurgence, epitomized by Project 2025. This initiative, spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, aims to ensure a smooth transition and effective governance for the next conservative administration.

  1. Normalizing Centrist Policies: By normalizing centrist policies that often align with Republican ideals, Biden’s presidency may inadvertently weaken the Democratic Party’s position in future elections. This normalization creates a political landscape where conservative policies can gain traction and legitimacy, making it easier for a future conservative administration to implement its agenda .

  2. Erosion of Progressive Momentum: The repeated disappointments and perceived betrayals by the Biden administration have sapped the momentum of the progressive movement. This erosion of enthusiasm and engagement could lead to lower voter turnout and reduced political activism, making it more challenging to counter the influence of conservative initiatives like Project 2025 .

  3. Voter Disillusionment: The ongoing disillusionment among left-leaning voters creates a fertile ground for conservative narratives to take root. If the Democratic Party fails to address the needs and concerns of its base, it risks losing the support and engagement of a crucial segment of the electorate, paving the way for conservative victories in upcoming elections .


The Democratic Party’s insistence on rallying behind Joe Biden, despite widespread dissatisfaction, is creating a profound sense of crisis and frustration among left-leaning voters. This “great gaslighting” undermines democratic engagement, perpetuates political apathy, and risks paving the way for conservative dominance. As the 2024 election approaches, it is imperative for the Democratic Party to address these concerns, offer genuine progressive alternatives, and rebuild the trust and enthusiasm of its base.


  1. New York Times – Biden’s Tax Policy: A Win for Corporate America?
  2. Reuters – Biden’s Foreign Policy: Continuity Over Change
  3. Politico – Healthcare Reform Stalls Under Biden
  4. The Heritage Foundation

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