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The Party That Screamed About Hillary’s Emails Just Leaked War Plans in a Group Chat Like Middle Schoolers

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Lisa Hayes for Confluence Daily

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

There are moments in history when a political party reveals not just its incompetence, but its absolute moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

This is one of those moments.

We just found out that members of Trump’s inner circle—people currently vying to retake power in 2024—were discussing live military operations in a literal group chat and somehow, a journalist was included.

Let me say that again for the people in the back:

They put a reporter in a group text about war plans.

This isn’t a joke. This isn’t a rumor. This isn’t a TikTok conspiracy. This is real. Documented. Verified.

And the most disgusting part?

The same political machine that melted down over “but her emails” is now silent.

We Are Living in the Twilight Zone

Hillary Clinton was dragged through the mud for years over her use of a private email server.
The GOP manufactured a multi-million-dollar scandal that spawned congressional hearings, FBI investigations, and deranged conspiracy theories that still echo on cable news.

They convinced half the country that a few deleted emails were not just careless, but treasonous.
That she was unfit to lead.
That she should be in prison.

They chanted “Lock her up” at rallies like it was a patriotic duty.

Meanwhile, Trump’s people are out here texting war strategy like it’s lunch plans—and accidentally CC’ing the press—and the Republican Party has nothing to say. Not a word. Not a whisper of accountability.

This Isn’t a Gaffe. It’s a Threat to National Security.

Let’s be crystal clear: this was not a harmless error. This was not a “whoops.” This was not “just how communication happens now.”

This was a breach of operational security involving a man (Trump) who already stole classified documents, stashed them next to a toilet, waved them at guests, and is under federal indictment for it.

This group chat didn’t just include some interns gossiping.
It involved real decisions about real military actions, real people’s lives, and national strategy—handled with the same care and discretion as a fantasy football draft.

They were having locker-room conversations about warfare and someone invited a reporter.

Let that sink in. Let it rot your teeth.

And then remember: this is the party that positioned itself as the defender of American strength, values, and security.
These are the same people who claimed they alone could protect us.

From what?

Apparently not from themselves.

Where’s the Outrage? Where’s the Hearing? Where’s the Accountability?

We already know how this would have gone down if the parties were reversed.

If this had happened in a Democratic administration—if someone on Biden’s team had leaked military intel in a group chat to a journalist—Kevin McCarthy would already be on Fox News weeping about it in front of a flag.

There would be emergency hearings.
Impeachment threats.
Wall-to-wall hysteria.

But now?
Radio silence.

Because they never cared about the security risks.
It was never about national defense. It was about political theater.

And the press—too often afraid of being accused of bias—is largely treating this breach like a quirky little headline. “Oops! A little mix-up in the Trump camp.”
This was not a fumble.
This was a full-body collapse of competence and integrity.

The GOP Has Made a Joke of Governance

At this point, it’s not even clear if the Republican Party is incapable of governing or just uninterested.

They’ve replaced strategic intelligence with memes.
They’ve replaced diplomacy with tantrums.
They’ve replaced national security with shitposts and Slack threads.

We are watching, in real time, the degradation of American leadership into group chats and glorified Reddit threads.

And they expect to be handed power again.

They expect us to pretend that they’re still a serious political party.

But this isn’t serious.
This is dangerous.
This is criminally negligent.
This is how countries fall.

The Double Standard Is the Point

The Hillary email saga wasn’t a scandal—it was a weapon.
A years-long smear campaign that turned boring administrative behavior into a national obsession.
They used it to distract, divide, and dismantle trust in actual leaders.

And now, with their own people leaking war plans into the press in real time, they offer nothing but shrugs.

That silence is deafening. That silence is strategic.

Because accountability has never been the goal.
Only power.
Only domination.

They will scream about a Democrat using Gmail.
And they will say nothing while Trump’s allies leak classified operations in a damn group chat.

We Should Be Screaming

But we aren’t. Not loud enough.
The left has been gaslit into civility. Into moderation. Into waiting for the next news cycle.

Stop waiting. Start screaming.

This isn’t a game. This isn’t normal. This isn’t survivable long-term.
We need to stop pretending there’s still a functioning two-party system.

One side is flawed, fractured, compromised.
The other side is a cult of chaos, casually risking war for clout.

If this group chat story doesn’t set off alarm bells for you—you’re not paying attention.
If this doesn’t convince you that we are one election away from a national security crisis that could spin beyond repair, you’re already asleep.

They leaked war plans in a group chat.
They included a reporter.
And they think they should be in charge again.

Over our dead democracy.


Lisa Hayes is a life coach, writer, and editor of Confluence Daily, specializing in social issues, political issues, and mental health. Her work has appeared in publications like Huffington Post and  Real Simple. She is also the Communications Director for a local fire department in Mexico and runs a life coach training program called The Coaching Guild.



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