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🔥 They Want You to Be Small—So Take Up Space Anyway. 🔥

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

By:  Lisa M. Hayes

You Were Never Meant to Fit Inside Their Boxes.

The systems of power—patriarchy, capitalism, white supremacy, colonialism—are all designed for smallness.

  •  A woman who shrinks herself is easier to control.
  •  A worker who doesn’t ask for more is easier to exploit.
  •  A person who doubts their worth will never challenge the status quo.

These systems are terrified of people who take up space — a person who takes up space will ask for what they need.

A person who takes up space will not apologize for their existence.

A person who takes up space will not be silenced.

And that? That is dangerous.

Which is exactly why you must become it.

Take Up Space Anyway.

Take up space in your body—walk like the earth belongs to you because it does.

Take up space in your voice—say the thing that needs to be said, even when your voice shakes.

Take up space in your desires—want what you want, without apology or justification.

Take up space in your dreams—build something so big they have no choice but to make room for it.

You were not put on this earth to be quiet, obedient, or small enough to disappear.

You were put here to be a force.

And every time you stand tall, speak loudly, demand more, refuse to shrink—

Every time you own your body, your voice, your joy, your rage, your brilliance—

Every time you refuse to disappear—

You remind them that their time is running out.

Smallness is a tool of oppression.

And your power?

Your power is in your expansion.

Build Something So Big, They Can’t Ignore It.

They want you to be small because small people don’t disrupt.

Small people don’t demand better.

Small people don’t shake the foundation of broken systems.

So what do you do?

 You disrupt.

 You demand.

 You build something so undeniable, so unstoppable, so fucking enormous that they have no choice but to reckon with it.

Because this world will not give you space.

You have to take it.

And when you do?

You make room for everyone else who has been told they are too much, too loud, too ambitious, too angry, too different, too anything.

So be too much.

Be impossible.

Be impossible to ignore.

Be a blueprint breaker, a world builder, a system disruptor, a fire-starter.


If you would like some support on that journey to become way too much for most people, I am here for that all day AND the journey is much less lonely with a coach.

I want to chat about the things you obsess over when you lie awake at night. I want to unpack your dreams and your nightmares. I want to talk about who you were before all that shit dimmed your shine and how to get her back. 

I’m not here to fix you because I don’t think you’re broken—I’m here to help you fall in love with yourself and your life again. No mood shaming, no gaslighting, just real, transformative coaching from someone with three decades of experience. Ready to reclaim your fire? Let’s set some sparks flying. DM me or check me out online at .

You can also find me at if you’re interested in coach training.


Lisa Hayes is a life coach, writer, and editor of Confluence Daily, specializing in social issues, political issues, and mental health. Her work has appeared in publications like Huffington Post and  Real Simple. She is also the Communications Director for a local fire department in Mexico and runs a life coach training program called The Coaching Guild.

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