A Helpful Strategy for Moving Out of Overwhelm
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I’m fairly sure that I am not the only one feeling overwhelmed by the frenetic pace of changes taking place in the United States right now. Most of the changes are originating in the United States but could have repercussions for our entire world. I think it’s fair to say that nearly all of the reforms and new policies being proposed right now could turn out in any number of ways, some of them possibly not at all good. Much of this view of the situation and how it might play out depends upon the lens through which we are viewing it. Even people who agree on one course or another might disagree on the likely outcomes of new policies that have been set in motion.
People are using lots of strategies to cope with the feeling of uncertainty, with mixed success. Stay informed, don’t stay informed, don’t watch the news, don’t talk about politics, talk to people who share your views, take productive actions to share your views, or even don’t think about any of it if possible. It’s a pretty thorny path to try to navigate.
I was actually an American Government major at a pretty great school. I did an Honors stint in that program and ended up attending a prestigious law school. I recall the many intense discussions (actually getting grilled by professors who knew the material when we were still learning it) and that the Supreme Court was held in such an esteemed position. They were just referred to as The Supremes in law school. Everyone who was into that kind of track wanted to land a prestigious clerkship with The Supremes. That was the big time. I cannot say that law school was fun, although there were some funny moments. Well, just a few funny moments. I do remember holding the Supreme Court in very high esteem and knowing that they were a check on any abuse of power.
What I do remember fondly is learning about American Government during my undergrad years. I thought the system of checks and balances created by the Founders was genius. I think that’s one of the few subjects other than psychology that I actually loved in college. So, despite not clerking for a Supreme, I know a fair amount about how our system of government works and all of those checks and balances that make our country the greatest democracy in the world! I’ve always believed that. I still believe that, but even knowing all I know about the system, I’ve had moments of Wth? Wtf? Wait, what? Don’t more branches, people, elected leaders, and courts have to agree with these moves? Where are the Supremes? How could any of us not be feeling confused or overwhelmed by the rapid changes that are being proposed on so many levels?
As compassionate people, we also care about people being treated fairly and with integrity. I’m relating all of this as I imagine that others must be having some of the same reaction of “Wait, how is this going to turn out?” regardless of political view or affiliation. I think the word “uncertain” could have been coined to describe the way many, many people are feeling right now. It can trigger emotions from frustration to confusion and even fear. So how do we handle this?
My mission as a coach is always to help people raise their vibration and emotional state. And if I’m to help any of the people I care about, my clients, or the many people who read my posts, I need to do something about my state of overwhelm. Feeling very uncertain or fearful about the future is not a great place to be. It definitely is not helpful in terms of attracting other good things into our lives.
I am reminded that all of the challenges we create for ourselves have the potential to serve us in some way. That is an important and huge shift that I spend much time focused on in my new book, “Next-Level Manifesting–When Miracles Become the New Normal.” (soon to be released) For now, I think we need to focus on the issue that is causing many of us to be down on the lower end of the emotional scale: the extraordinary amount of uncertainty about our future.
How can we feel more secure and less uncertain while all of this is playing out?
There will be more, much more, to be done to use our energy to deal with these changes in a way that is helpful, that allows us to enjoy our lives, that allows others to enjoy their lives while all of the changes are playing out around our world. But in the meantime, I think most of us are feeling that it would be much better to have more of a feeling of some certainty rather than overwhelming uncertainty. And we cannot know how all of these disparate elements will play out. But we can increase our own level of certainty. It’s similar to what we do when we would like to manifest abundance, love, a new home, an improved job, or any of our desires. We can create, for example, a vibration of abundance that isn’t necessarily about an abundance of dollars but of the other things we already have in abundance. When we do that, more abundance flows to us in various forms, including dollars. And that’s true for the need to match the vibrations of all of our desires, whether or not we feel the emotion more generally or about the specific thing we are hoping to manifest.
In this case, we are feeling the need for at least some certainty. I felt this hugely last night when I was texting with a younger family member who is smart, hard-working, has an essential job relating to our country’s defense program, and is feeling the craziness around him as he works for the federal government. I had a new feeling at that moment; I felt an overwhelming need to create a feeling of certainty for myself and any others who I care about and would benefit. So, this part, step one, is not as complicated as trying to be lined up with every decision or statement that is being made by all of the people who are involved on both sides of the political spectrum. It merely involves finding things in our own lives that we are sure about. We then will likely want to milk those things for that feeling of certainty. When I did that today, I had a feeling of peace that I had not experienced in the last few days.
What are you certain about in your life? I could find lots of things today that created a feeling of certainty. Most of them involved love and appreciation from the people I care about. I am also certain about my love and appreciation of them. I also was reminded that I am very sure that we live in a friendly and loving Universe, that is looking out for us. I am also certain that we have more guides, helpers, and a huge crew of supporters than we generally imagine. When we feel overwhelmed, we can say, “I’d like to hand this over to you for now Universe, and thanks.” I also was able to find more certainty in the way I appreciate and value lots of other things in my life right now. I could look around my house and yard and think, “I love that.” And, “I love that.” I could look at my list of things I appreciate in my life and think, “I’m very sure of that.” And I’m very lucky. That feels the opposite of confused and overwhelmed. When we take the time to find the things that we are certain of in this life at this moment, we will immediately feel some relief and will attract more things to feel certain about, which is our mission for now.
This is a reasonable Step One for feeling better, which needs to always be our top priority. It will raise our vibration and help us to create more of the other things we want in our lives. It will help us to have more productive thoughts. Things will get easier.
If you would like to consult with me about creating more of those good feelings in your life or other new circumstances you would like to create, you can reach me at www.howtoallow.net
We are all in this together, and I appreciate your interest in this post.