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The Disgrace of Inviting a War Criminal: Netanyahu’s Unprecedented Audience with Congress

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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By:  Lisa M. Hayes


In an audacious and appalling move, the U.S. Congress has extended an invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a man whose actions have long been decried as war crimes. This decision is not only unprecedented but also an utter disgrace, showcasing a blatant disregard for justice and human rights. Netanyahu’s long-standing history of violence and oppression against Palestinians makes this invitation an insult to all who believe in democracy and the rule of law.

Netanyahu’s Long-Awaited Genocide

Benjamin Netanyahu has not merely overseen a regime; he has orchestrated a systematic campaign of violence and oppression that many rightfully categorize as genocide. His tenure as Prime Minister has been marked by relentless aggression against Palestinians, actions that have drawn severe condemnation from human rights organizations worldwide. Netanyahu’s policies have led to the mass displacement and systematic suffering of Palestinians—deliberate actions that constitute ethnic cleansing under international law.

Under Netanyahu’s directive, Israel has executed numerous military operations in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children. His administration has relentlessly expanded illegal settlements in the West Bank, further entrenching the occupation and making a two-state solution increasingly unfeasible. These actions are not defensive; they are offensive measures designed to assert Israeli dominance and erase Palestinian presence, flouting international norms and human decency.

Hawkish Tone Undermines Peace Efforts

Netanyahu’s recent address to Congress was nothing short of a belligerent display of hawkish rhetoric. His aggressive stance and unwavering defense of Israel’s brutal military actions make a mockery of any genuine attempts at peace talks. By portraying Israel’s actions as purely defensive, Netanyahu dismisses the legitimate rights and grievances of the Palestinian people, effectively saying that their lives and freedoms are expendable.

Netanyahu’s provocative tone in Congress not only emboldens the most extreme elements within Israel but also sends a dangerous message globally. It signals that the U.S. is willing to turn a blind eye to gross human rights violations for the sake of political alliances. This stance gravely undermines the U.S.’s credibility as a mediator and any moral authority it claims to hold in the international arena. It reveals a willingness to endorse and support state-sanctioned violence, casting a dark shadow over America’s commitment to justice.

The False Equivalency Between Israel and Hamas

One of Netanyahu’s most insidious tactics is the false equivalency he draws between Israel’s state-sanctioned military actions and the violent acts of Hamas. This comparison is a shameless exploitation of post-9/11 anti-terrorism hysteria in the U.S., designed to frame all Palestinian resistance as terrorism and justify Israel’s excessive and indiscriminate use of force.

Yes, Hamas has engaged in violence. However, judging the behavior of the oppressed and the oppressor on the same measure erases the experience of the oppressed. Equating their actions with Israel’s systematic and vastly more destructive policies is a grotesque distortion of reality. Israel, equipped with one of the most advanced militaries in the world and backed by substantial U.S. aid, has inflicted disproportionate suffering on the Palestinian population. This false narrative ignores the root causes of the conflict—occupation, dispossession, and systemic injustice—and serves only to absolve Israel of its grave human rights abuses.

The Pounding Pressure to Condemn Hamas

The relentless pressure to condemn Hamas serves as a deliberate distraction from Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. This talking point has become so prevalent that it effectively shields Israel from responsibility for its actions. The narrative of condemning Hamas is designed to divert attention from the daily atrocities committed by the Israeli state, focusing instead on the actions of a group that, while culpable of violence, represents a fraction of the power and influence wielded by Israel.

The reality is that Israel’s actions under Netanyahu have demonstrated a clear intent not merely to counter Hamas but to obliterate the Palestinian people. The ongoing expansion of settlements, the siege of Gaza, and the frequent military assaults all point to a strategy aimed at eradicating Palestinian identity and presence. This is not about defense; it is about domination and erasure.

The ICC and Netanyahu’s War Crimes

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has taken significant steps towards holding Netanyahu accountable. ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan has applied for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, citing crimes against humanity and war crimes, including the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and intentionally directing attacks against civilian populations. This unprecedented move by the ICC underscores the severity of the allegations against Netanyahu and highlights the international community’s growing recognition of his actions as criminal​ (UN News)​ .


Inviting Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress is an abomination, a slap in the face to every principle of justice and human rights. It legitimizes a leader whose policies have wrought untold suffering and devastation. By providing him with this platform, Congress is complicit in perpetuating a narrative that excuses war crimes and denies the Palestinian people their humanity and their rights.

Netanyahu is not a defender of democracy; he is a perpetrator of systematic violence and oppression. His actions have left a trail of destruction and despair. The world must recognize Netanyahu for what he is—a war criminal—and hold him accountable. Anything less is a travesty of justice and an affront to the values that underpin a just and peaceful world.

The deeper shame of watching Congress give a war criminal a standing ovation encapsulates the moral crisis gripping our nation. This moment starkly highlights our collective failure to uphold principles of justice and human rights. Although some Democrats, including Kamala Harris, abstained from attending, their absence was scant consolation in a scene that cast a dark shadow over American values. The spectacle of enthusiastic applause for Netanyahu underscores the troubling erosion of moral clarity and accountability within our political system, leaving a haunting impression of complicity and moral compromise.

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