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To All the Liberal White Women Who Every Said, “Not all white people” Now is Your Time to Shine

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

By:  Lisa M. Hayes

To all the liberal white women who ever said, “I don’t see color.” –
To all the liberal white women who ever said, “Not all white people.” –
To all the liberal white women who are 100% certain you aren’t racist, even though you don’t have a token black friend and never have —
now is your time to shine.

Black women are going to get out there and do what we don’t know how to do – they are going to organize the fuck out of their communities. They are going to do what they did for Obama on steriods. They are going to build the most robust grassroots campaign machine in literal history – in record time. Black women all got on a Zoom call a couple of days ago, and they are ready to save the world from fascism.

White women were not invited to that meeting, and there is a reason for that – but our time is coming.

White women need to be ready to do the work we said we’d do to get a woman elected to the white house. We need to get very comfortable following women of color while we do it.

This whisper we are hearing that is rumbling right below the excitement, you know, the one, “We are doomed now because this country wouldn’t elect a white woman. We sure as shit aren’t going to elect a black woman.” – white women need to put that shit down. We must make it very clear that we ARE voting for Kamala, and we EXPECT the men in our families to do the same. We need to pledge our votes and deliver the votes of the men around us. We need to lead in our own homes and families like never before.

White women need to empty their wallets,
clear their schedules,
and turn out support Madam Vice President like we never have for any other candidate before BECAUSE the fate of the free world depends on us pulling our heads out of our collective asses and getting Kamala Harris elected by putting on a Converse and following orders. We can’t self-identify as allies and sit quietly on the sidelines right now. Lip service is not going to get this done.

We need to make the calls they ask us to.
We need to send the postcards they ask us to.
We need to donate when we are asked.

White women need to treat Kamala Harris like she is one of us BECAUSE she is.
We need to carry her like our sister.
We need to own this campaign and be a part of history.
We need to get to know our black and brown sisters and not be a problem while working on a common goal.

We do not need to be in charge but we MUST be engaged.
This will require action, commitment, and humility. We must amplify the voices of Black women, follow their lead, and support their efforts with everything we have. The fight against fascism, the fight for justice, the fight for a more inclusive America depends on our ability to step up, step back, and listen – and get to work.

White women, do you hear the call?


Lisa M. Hayes is also the editor and chief of Confluence Daily.

Lisa is also an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is also the founder of The Coaching Guild where the world’s best coaches are trained. 


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