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The Leftist Case for Supporting Kamala Harris: A Critical Choice for Progressive America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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By:  Lisa M. Hayes

In the intricate tapestry of American politics, few figures inspire as much debate among the left as Vice President Kamala Harris. Her history as a prosecutor and Attorney General of California often draws criticism from progressive circles, particularly regarding her ties to the prison industrial complex and her record on prosecuting police officers. However, at this pivotal moment in history, it is essential to re-examine Harris’s political evolution and understand why supporting her is crucial for advancing progressive values.

A Complicated Past: Law Enforcement and the Prison Industrial Complex

Kamala Harris’s tenure as a prosecutor and later as Attorney General of California is marked by decisions that have sparked controversy and critique. She has been criticized for her stance on several issues related to law enforcement and the prison industrial complex:

  1. Prison Industrial Complex: Harris’s record includes policies that contributed to high incarceration rates, particularly among people of color. During her time as Attorney General, she supported the use of prison labor and, at times, opposed reforms aimed at reducing California’s prison population​ (Project2025)​.

  2. Refusal to Prosecute Police Officers: Harris faced significant backlash for her reluctance to prosecute police officers involved in shootings and cases of misconduct. Her critics argue that she missed critical opportunities to hold law enforcement accountable during her tenure​ (Wikipedia)​.

While these aspects of her record are concerning, it is important to recognize that political figures, like all people, evolve. Harris’s later career and recent actions demonstrate a shift towards more progressive stances, reflecting a broader understanding of justice and equity.

The Evolution of a Progressive Champion

Despite her contentious past, Harris has shown significant progressiveness in her policies and advocacy, particularly during her time as a U.S. Senator and Vice President:

  1. Criminal Justice Reform: Harris has advocated for comprehensive criminal justice reform. She has supported measures to end cash bail, expunge marijuana-related offenses, and promote reentry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. Her shift towards these policies indicates a commitment to rectifying past injustices and improving the criminal justice system​ (Project2025)​.

  2. Healthcare and Economic Equity: Harris has been a staunch supporter of Medicare for All and has proposed substantial economic policies aimed at addressing income inequality. Her legislative efforts include the LIFT Act, which would provide a significant tax credit to middle- and low-income families, directly addressing economic disparities​ (Media Matters)​.

  3. Pro-Palestinian Stances: In recent times, particularly amidst the ongoing conflict, Harris has taken a more balanced approach to the Israel-Palestine issue. She has expressed support for Palestinian rights and emphasized the importance of a two-state solution, advocating for humanitarian aid and condemning disproportionate violence​ (The Heritage Foundation)​. This marks a significant departure from her previous positions and aligns her more closely with progressive values.

Why Supporting Harris is Crucial Now

Given the current political landscape, supporting Kamala Harris is not just a pragmatic choice but a necessary one for several reasons:

  1. Progressive Policies in the Administration: As Vice President, Harris has a significant platform to influence policy. Her support for progressive initiatives in criminal justice, healthcare, and economic equity can shape the administration’s agenda and push it further left than it might otherwise lean.

  2. Representation and Influence: Harris’s position as the first female, first Black, and first South Asian Vice President is groundbreaking. Her unique perspective and experiences bring essential diversity to the highest levels of government, challenging the status quo and advocating for marginalized communities .

  3. Strategic Pragmatism: In the fight against an increasingly radicalized right, unity within the left is paramount. Harris, with her broad appeal and progressive shift, can act as a unifying figure capable of bridging the gap between moderate and progressive Democrats. This unity is crucial for advancing any substantial policy changes and countering conservative opposition.

Moving Forward: Accountability and Advocacy

Supporting Kamala Harris does not mean ignoring or excusing her past. It means recognizing her potential to champion progressive causes and holding her accountable to her promises. Here’s how progressives can engage constructively:

  1. Vocal Advocacy: Continue to pressure Harris and the administration to prioritize progressive policies. Advocacy groups and grassroots organizations play a critical role in shaping the political agenda through sustained activism and engagement.

  2. Policy Monitoring: Keep a close watch on her policy implementations and public statements. Hold her accountable through public discourse, ensuring that her actions align with progressive values.

  3. Constructive Critique: Criticism is necessary for political evolution, but it should be constructive. Engage with Harris’s office through organized campaigns that highlight specific areas for improvement and propose viable solutions.


Kamala Harris’s journey from a law enforcement official with a contentious record to a progressive advocate in the highest echelons of government is complex. However, her recent actions and policy stances show a significant shift towards progressive ideals. Supporting Harris is not about blind loyalty; it’s about strategic pragmatism and pushing for the progressive change that America desperately needs. By backing Harris and holding her accountable, progressives can help steer the administration towards a more just and equitable future.

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