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Cognitive Dissonance Among Liberal Democrats: Supporting Biden Despite Genocide

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By:  Lisa M. Hayes

As the political landscape in the United States continues to evolve, a striking phenomenon among liberal Democrats has emerged: a notable cognitive dissonance regarding their support for President Joe Biden. Despite his controversial stance as a self-proclaimed Zionist and his administration’s significant funding of Israel, which many argue contributes to the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Palestine, a substantial portion of liberal Democrats continue to back Biden. This paradox raises important questions about the psychological and ideological underpinnings of political allegiance.

Cognitive Dissonance and Political Support

Understanding Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance, a term coined by psychologist Leon Festinger, refers to the mental discomfort experienced when holding two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes. In the political context, it describes the tension that arises when individuals support a leader or policy that conflicts with their ethical or moral beliefs. For many liberal Democrats, supporting Biden, despite his pro-Israel stance, exemplifies this dissonance.

Moral Compromise for Perceived Greater Good: One primary reason for this cognitive dissonance is the perceived necessity of compromising on certain issues to achieve a greater overall good. Many liberal Democrats believe that supporting Biden is essential to prevent the rise of more extreme right-wing leaders and policies. In their view, Biden represents a more palatable option compared to the alternatives, even if it means accepting policies they fundamentally disagree with.

The Impact of Biden’s Policies on Palestine

Biden’s Pro-Israel Stance: Biden has consistently expressed strong support for Israel throughout his political career. His administration has continued to provide substantial military aid to Israel, a policy that has faced significant criticism from those who argue it exacerbates the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Critics contend that this aid enables actions by the Israeli government that result in significant Palestinian casualties and humanitarian issues.

Liberal Democrat Opposition to the Conflict: Many liberal Democrats oppose the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and advocate for Palestinian rights. They often support policies aimed at achieving a two-state solution and ending the occupation of Palestinian territories. However, the stark contrast between their stance on this issue and Biden’s policies creates a challenging dilemma, leading to the cognitive dissonance observed.

Psychological and Ideological Factors

Identity and Partisan Loyalty: Partisan loyalty plays a significant role in shaping political support. For many Democrats, supporting Biden is tied to their identity as members of the Democratic Party. This identity can create a strong motivation to align with the party’s chosen leader, even when his policies conflict with their personal beliefs. The desire to maintain a cohesive group identity often overrides individual moral considerations.

Fear of the Alternative: The fear of more extreme conservative leaders taking power is a powerful motivator for many liberal Democrats. The memory of the Trump administration and the potential return of similar policies create a sense of urgency to support Biden as a safeguard against what they perceive as a greater threat. This fear can lead to rationalizing or downplaying disagreements with Biden’s policies to justify continued support.

Moral Rationalization: Moral rationalization involves justifying actions or decisions that conflict with one’s ethical standards. Liberal Democrats may rationalize their support for Biden by focusing on the positive aspects of his administration, such as progressive domestic policies on healthcare, climate change, and social justice. By emphasizing these areas, they mitigate the discomfort caused by his foreign policy stance.

Generational Differences

Generational Divide in Political Priorities: Younger Democrats, particularly those from Gen Z, are more likely to prioritize social justice and human rights issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This generation tends to be less forgiving of policies they perceive as unjust, leading to greater opposition to Biden’s stance on Israel. In contrast, older Democrats may prioritize stability and incremental progress, making them more willing to overlook specific policy disagreements.

Distrust of Traditional Structures: Younger generations often view traditional political structures as flawed or broken, partly blaming older generations for issues like environmental degradation and economic decline. This perspective can lead to a general distrust of older leaders like Biden, who are seen as part of the establishment responsible for these problems.

Threat to Personal Relevance: Older adults may feel personally threatened by the attacks on Biden’s ability to continue to be effective at his age and into his mid-eighties. These critiques resonate with their own fears about aging and losing relevance. Supporting Biden allows them to project their hopes that they too will remain sharp and valued as they age.

Addressing the Dissonance

Fostering Open Dialogue: Addressing cognitive dissonance requires fostering open and honest dialogue within the Democratic Party. Encouraging discussions about the ethical implications of U.S. foreign policy, including support for Israel, can help bridge the gap between differing viewpoints. Creating spaces for diverse voices and perspectives ensures that all members feel heard and valued.

Balancing Policy Priorities: The Democratic Party must strive to balance its policy priorities to reflect the values of its diverse voter base. This includes taking a more nuanced approach to foreign policy that considers human rights concerns alongside strategic interests. By addressing the specific issues that cause dissonance, the party can reduce internal conflicts and build a more unified front.

Emphasizing Common Goals: Focusing on common goals and shared values can help alleviate cognitive dissonance. Highlighting the broader objectives of the Democratic Party, such as social justice, economic equity, and environmental sustainability, can remind supporters of the collective mission. This emphasis on unity and purpose can strengthen partisan loyalty while accommodating diverse perspectives.

Left-Leaning Liberals and Perceptions of Blind Loyalty

Irrational Party Loyalty: Very left-leaning liberals often criticize traditional Democrats for exhibiting what they perceive as blind loyalty to Biden. They argue that this unwavering support mirrors the behavior they condemn in Republicans who back Trump despite his numerous controversies. This perceived irrational party loyalty causes frustration and disillusionment among progressives who feel their party has strayed from its principles.

Becoming What They Hate: For these left-leaning liberals, the traditional Democrats’ support for Biden is seen as hypocritical. They believe that in prioritizing party unity over moral consistency, traditional Democrats have become the very thing they criticize about Republican supporters of Trump. This disillusionment underscores the internal conflict within the Democratic Party, highlighting the challenges of balancing diverse ideological perspectives.


The cognitive dissonance among liberal Democrats who support Joe Biden despite opposing his stance on Israel and Palestine highlights the complex interplay of psychological and ideological factors in political allegiance. While moral compromise and partisan loyalty play significant roles, addressing this dissonance requires fostering open dialogue, balancing policy priorities, and emphasizing common goals. By understanding and addressing these dynamics, the Democratic Party can navigate its internal conflicts and build a more cohesive and resilient coalition for the future.

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